Ethics in PE What are ethics? A system of moral principles governing the appropriate conduct for a person or group (Encarta, 2009)
Ethics Defined Why talk about ethics in PE and what ethical issues might you face while teaching? Think/pair/share You will be indirectly “teaching” ethical behavior and in a sense are on stage once you pull into the parking lot. Teaching is a conservative profession and teachers must act accordingly.
The Being Form groups of 3 Make an outline of a figure with your group and on the inside of the figure, write words that signify what ethical principles, dispositions or characteristics teachers should exhibit.
The Being On the outside, write words that signify what unethical behaviors, dispositions or characteristics teachers should NOT exhibit.
Ethics Teachers and coaches are considered responsible for promoting ethical behavior. Part of the reason teachers are held to such high standards OK to stress character virtues (avoid the word “values”), they serve as the foundation for an individual’s way of life.
Character virtues/ethics addressed in pe
What can we teach students and players… Fair and equal treatment of all students (skill, attractiveness, race, SES, gender etc) Perseverance and effort should be acknowledge but not graded How many of you were graded primarily on whether you changed clothes and participated?
What can we teach students and players… Respect for Rules and Authority Respect for rules and authority Without rules and authority society could not function. “dirty” play
Character Development through Participation Six Pillars of Character (any guesses?) Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship
Sportsmanship 5GBx-s&feature=related Sportmanship
FYI: Sportsmanship and Coaching Websites Positive Coaching Alliance Arizona Sports Summit Accord rces/accord/index.html Citizenship Through Sports Alliance
Ethical issues in teaching… Some ethical issues in case they weren’t mentioned thus far Equipment – athletes or whole students Prep periods for coaching v. for all students Grading and its implications Can teachers only teach the activities they enjoy and are already capable of teaching and ignore the needs of the students, the curriculum and state/national standards?
Ethical issues in teaching… Do I continue to grow and improve as a teacher or stick with what I know b/c that is easier? Access to confidential records Student vulnerability (physical, emotional, etc) Teaching in a manner outside one’s comfort zone “Towing the party line” even when you might disagree at times
Ethical Guiding Documents Pennsylvania's Code Of Professional Practice And Conduct For Educators SHAPE America P-12 Code of Ethics Professional Teaching Attributes Student Teaching Manual
P-12 Ethical Breaches This is a list of a few in no particular order. Having inappropriate relationships with students Failing to perform duties (no teaching, chaos, inappropriate practices, wrong attitude toward the teaching profession, etc) Imposing on students personal views unrelated to the subject of a lesson or promoting such, especially some that do not represent the main stream (extreme political or religious views, views on controversial social issues, interest of a particular social group, etc).
P-12 Ethical Breaches Improper grading, partiality, and lack of fairness (based on who is liked, who is not; race, past performance, background, etc) Invading students' privacy Accepting gifts and favors, quid pro quo Deceiving students and their parents Any others you have heard about or experienced?
How are ethics and dispositions different Dispositions defined: the predominant or prevailing tendency of one's spirits; natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; characteristic attitude: a girl with a pleasant disposition (
Looking at the original list, how many of them are dispositions. That is why dispositions are important to students and therefore important to the WCU PETE staff. Disposition Policy (KIN dept) College of Education policy