Transdisciplinary Theme: How we Organize Ourselves Grade: 3 Dates of planner instruction: August – September 2017 KEY CONCEPTS: Form: What is it like? Function: How does it work? Connection: How is it connected to other things? -Roles -Relationships -Organization/ Structure - An inquiry into societal decision-making WHAT’S HAPPENING… Central Idea Lines of Inquiry Approaches to Learning Related concepts: -Decision making influences everyday life -How decisions get made -The impact of decisions on everyday life -Different types and roles within societal structures -Thinking skills -Communication Skills -Self-management skills Please help your child understand decision making by asking them daily the decisions they made and what their choices led to in their day.
Success Criteria for This Unit What You Can Do With Your Child at Home Talk about the Learner Profile Attributes and Attitudes Students will strive to be: Ways for Students to Succeed: * Attend school as much as possible * Get a good night’s sleep each night *Participate in your learning *Ask questions when you don’t understand *Be a good thinker *Keep yourself organized *Spend quality time together talking *Practice math facts *Read, read, read Arrival Time: Please note that students are to arrive between 7:55 a.m. and 8:10 a.m. There is no supervision prior to 7:55 a.m. - Communicators - Thinkers Balanced (Learner Profile attributes show who we are on the inside) - Confidence - Enthusiasm Commitment Confidence (Attitudes are what we show the world through our actions) Students should demonstrate: Success Criteria for This Unit Students will know: What decisions get made? Who gets to make the decisions and how are they made? What decisions impact your life and in what ways? Students will understand that decisions influence their everyday lives.