Melbourn Village College


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Presentation transcript:

Melbourn Village College An Academy of the Year 7 Information Evening

Supporting Your Child Attendance Officer Partner with College and Child Provider of Tools Banker Study Buddy Entertainments Officer Project Manager

Communication Form tutor Subject teacher Head of Department Pastoral Managers Attendance Officer Senior Leadership Team

English Curriculum

English Curriculum Year 7: English Literature, Reading, Writing and Spoken Language. Autobiography The Tempest by Shakespeare Beowulf Study of a modern novel Selection of non-fiction and fiction extracts from a range of time periods (19th, 20th & 21st Century) All of these schemes of work have been developed to secure skills that students will need to succeed in the new GCSEs

Assessment 4 Attainment Targets (ATs): Reading, Writing, Literature and Spoken Language Each half term students complete a piece of work which is levelled for one of the ATs. Assessments will show how your child is progressing against their end of Yr11 target level. Levels will be recorded on Go4Schools. Spoken Language will be assessed at the end of the year and students will be given either a pass, merit or distinction.

How can you help? 1, Encourage your son or daughter to read –anything and everything but at least 15 minutes a day. 2, Encourage your son or daughter to look words up in a dictionary or a thesaurus. 3, Encourage your son or daughter to learn to edit their own writing; they should check punctuation, spelling, tense and style.

Maths Curriculum

Year 7 Programme Baseline testing ( 1 week ) – results on Go4Schools Shared academy scheme of work – used by Comberton VC and Cambourne VC 1 written homework each week All homework graded A to D based on effort - we only ask that you try your hardest on set work not that you have to get everything right ! Termly tests based on that terms work (results on Go4Schools)

Equipment In addition to the regular equipment students will all require: A protractor (angle measurer) – we recommend a 180° one A pair of compasses – metal ones are much better than plastic A scientific calculator – a Casio FX83 or FX85 are the best models All available from the finance office

How you can help Practise times tables regularly Ensure homework is thoroughly completed Ensure time is spent revising for each test Share an interest in numerical activities

Science Curriculum

How we teach Science - Overview Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 3 Key Stage 3 4 Curriculum AQA KS3 GCSE AQA GCSE Taught as Science Chemistry Physics Biology Periods per week 6

How we teach Science - Across the Year Term e.g. Autumn Term What is taught Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 End of Term Test Subject Area (e.g.) Biology Chemistry Physics All four topics

Over the course of a year Each student will be taught 10 modules (themes) in Science per year. Each science subject (Chemistry, Physics and Biology) will taught within 3 or 4 of these modules. Supported by Activate scheme, produced by Oxford University Press. Each will be accompanied by associated homeworks, revision opportunities, modules test and practical experiences. An End of Year Assessment will be used to evaluate progress across the subject areas.

Year 7 is always about interest and engagement How you can help? Year 7 is always about interest and engagement Consolidate – ask your child about what they have learning and ask them to recall their understanding. Support – help your child with homework tasks through direct support, creating a nice environment, helping to organise, watch science documentaries or even just encouraging them to do so.

The Year Seven Team A collaborative approach in helping to develop your child's resilience and self-sufficiency at school We want to help you to support and build the independence of your child Home-school link information Ideas for helping engage your child to support their learning Feedback with opportunities to celebrate achievement Opportunities for you to share concerns Strength of a school is in the collaborative relationships that we build between staff, students and parents. We want to hear from you when your child is working well and developing well, but also when you have concerns and what to assist your child. There are different ways in which you can get in touch with us – subject teacher, form tutor, head of Year. We will supply you with information about what’s coming up in your child’s lessons in different subject areas, and also try to give you some ideas of what you could do at home to support their learning and to engage their interest. We want to share with you their success and development, and will send information home each term. Also, we want to offer you opportunities for you to highlight any concerns which you might have, and we’ll follow up these with timely feedback and ideas to improve the experience your child has at MVC.

Pastoral Care Academic achievement is part of the picture We want our students to feel secure and safe They will develop extra-curricular interests We want to celebrate their success in developing as a ‘whole person’ If you have concerns, please let us know. Please use contact with form tutors in the first instance, as they have the most immediate contact with students on a daily basis. Achievement in the classroom and in their developing understanding in each subject is not the whole story. We also want our students to feel that MVC is THEIR school and that they have a stake in developing what goes on in our community at school. They’ll develop other interests and we would also like you to feel involved, whether it be coming to school productions, to support sporting fixtures, and to communicate when students have particular success in any area they involve themselves in. If you have any concerns about how your child is coping with change to secondary school, then please follow the same routes to let us know so that we can intervene promptly.

Finding Out And Getting Involved ShowMyHomework Communicate – with your child and us School website Facebook Go4Schools – link on website levels, assessment data

Melbourn Village College Thank you for listening…