Why did the British become Empire builders? Starter Activity: What came first, the chicken or the egg? Please justify your answers. Extension: How might this question link to our lesson? Motive Symbiotic Relationship Why did the British become Empire builders? Objectives: To identify qualities needed to be an empire builder (explorer). To make a judgment as to the most important motives to build an empire.
Task One: What qualities do you think an explorer needs? Sir Francis Drake Henry M. Stanley Christopher Columbus Extension: What other event was occurring during the 18th and 19th centuries? Do you think there is any relation between that event and empire building? Task One: What qualities do you think an explorer needs?
Quick Quiz: Would you make it as an explorer of the empire? Add up your marks for each question. A = 1 point B = 2 C = 3 How did you feel about starting at Beechen Cliff two years ago? a) Scared? b) Not bothered? c) Excited?
Quick Quiz: Question 2 Add up your marks for each question. A = 1 point B = 2 C = 3 What kind of holidays would you prefer? a) Ones with family in the same place you’ve always been to b) Going to a new place with good friends c) Going somewhere you’ve always dreamed of, on your own if necessary
Quick Quiz: Question 3 Add up your marks for each question. A = 1 point B = 2 C = 3 How do you feel about long journeys and travel adventures? a) Don’t want to leave England’s shores thank you very much b) Happy to go easyjet as long as they have the sandwich filling I like c) Any method of transport to get me to my destination will do
Quick Quiz: Question 4 Add up your marks for each question. A = 1 point B = 2 C = 3 What is your reaction if you see a place you’ve never been to before? a) Get me back home asap! b) As long as they speak English I’ll be ok c) It’ll be fun to have a look around and try to communicate with the locals
Quick Quiz: Question 5 Add up your marks for each question. A = 1 point B = 2 C = 3 What do you do once you’ve been on a trip or done something exciting? a) Catch up on Eastenders that I missed while away b) Meet up with some friends and show them what I bought while away c) Invite round everyone I know and give a photo slideshow to show off where I’ve been
Task Two: Reflection Add up your explorer points and see the results below! Add up you final score and see how well suited you are to be an explorer. Task: What qualities do you share with those from task one? 5-8 9-11 12-15 Sorry to say that you would not make a good empire explorer. You are too comfortable at home with people and places you know. You have potential to take part in an exploration expedition as long as it wasn’t too far away. You’re willing to see different places, but prefer to be surrounded with those you recognise. You are a budding explorer! Not held back by creepy crawlies, sea sickness, different languages – you will do anything to discover a new place, and will show off once you get home!
Task Three: What do we already know? What did the Industrial Revolution need to be successful? What do you think the empire needed to be successful?
Task Four: Examining Cause and Consequence The Slave Trade was both a cause AND a consequence of the Industrial revolution. We call this a “symbiotic relationship” (in other words, a “chicken and egg” situation!) (a) In what ways was the slave trade and empire building a CAUSE of the Industrial Revolution? (b) In what ways was the slave trade and empire building a CONSEQUENCE of the Industrial Revolution?
Task 5 Empires are said to be built for 3 reasons: God, Gold and Glory Make a poster, image, poem or another creative outcome to represent these reasons.