The syllable
The Syllable Syllables have no phonetic reality Nothing tells you where one stops and another ends
Evidence for the Syllable Syllables are psychological not phonetic
Evidence for the Syllable Poetry uses syllables
Evidence for the Syllable Many phonological rules happen Word finally or Before a C
Evidence for the Syllable Many phonological rules happen Word finally or Before a C These are the same thing as In the syllable coda
Evidence for the Syllable /l/ is [ɯ] in Portuguese Word finally Brazi[ɯ] Before C fi[ɯ]me Not before V i[l]egal Not word initially [l]egal
Evidence for the Syllable /r/ is [l] in Korean Word finally [pul] Before C [kilda] Not before V [kandari]
Evidence for the Syllable It’s simpler to say X > Y in the coda
Evidence for the Syllable Syllable structure
Evidence for the Syllable Syllable structure The Rhyme is a unit
Evidence for the Syllable Rhymes in color fog [fag] Smoke [smok]
Evidence for the Syllable Rhymes in color fog [fag] Smoke [smok] Smoke + fog = [smag] not [smog]
Evidence for the Syllable Rhymes in color breakfast [brɛk] Lunch [lʌɲʧ] Break + lunch = [brʌɲʧ] not [brɛʧ]
Evidence for the Syllable Language games Often move or manipulate syllables
Evidence for the Syllable Syllabaries Writing systems that encode syllables not phonemes