What I would like to write about… The Writer’s Notebook What I would like to write about…
The Cover Feel free to decorate as you see fit. Remember, however, that I may show these to your parents at conferences to show what we have been doing.
The Inside Create a table of contents with the following sections: What Should I Write 4-8 Writing/Literary Terms 9-15 Writing 16+
My Territories Topics you like, know something about, have some experience with, and/or would like to explore. If you choose a broad topic, try to break it down into more specific parts.
My Writing Territories My family Memorable principals Family Traditions Motherhood College stories My Job History Husband stories Meeting celebrities Summer Treats Traits of siblings Hawaii Movies Long walks My bedroom Learning to drive Reading My routines Neighbors Writing NYC Music WWII Reality TV Art Civil War Broken bones Failure My car history September 11 Swimming My pet history Olympics Soccer My dating history Awkward times Washington, D.C. My concert history Half marathon/marathon Teacher pranks Teaching stories Best Friends Memorable students Spring Break Memorable teachers Car Rides
What Bugs Me Cell phones: in movies, in the checkout line, in cars Cars that take more than one parking place Hypocrites Texting and Driving Shipping and handling Squeezing the middle of the toothpaste tube Late fees Soccer Dangerous drives Abbreviated words: “Cray”, “Def”, “Whatev” Using the last of the toilet paper roll and not replacing it “Reality” tv Sub plans Empty containers in the fridge and/or pantry Waiting in line Grocery shopping Filling my car with gas Bills Day after Thanksgiving shopping and shoppers Dried toothpaste in the sink Not closing the shower curtain Sales calls Poopy diapers Automated systems Play before responsibility Muscle cramps Rude service Improper compound subjects/predicates
Good Ideas/Bad Ideas Good Ideas Bad Ideas - Youtube McDonald’s/fast food in general - Smoothies TV in cars - TV and movies on airplanes Skates built in shoes Daily reading habit Lowering the drinking age Speed limits No more airplane meals Freeway lines to divide lanes Robotic vacuum cleaners Stop lights Paying for A/C iPods Belly flopping Mug bowls Running on ice Indoor swimming pools Running the Freedom Run with very little training Hair straighteners Cup holders in cars Recycling/Upcycling
I know well… Write “Movies I Know Well” List 5 movies you feel you know well. Try to have variety. Provide one hashtag for each movie. Hashtag must relate to the theme(s) of the movies, not your reaction to it. Ex. The Incredibles #family NOT #superhero
I know well…. (cont) Write “Events I Know Well” Same thing. List 5 events you know well and give them each a hashtag. Write “Celebrities I Know Well” Same as above.