The Power of A Number String Purposeful Number Talks (part 2) Core Mathematics Partnership Building Mathematical Knowledge and High-Leverage Instruction for Student Success Thursday November 12, 2015 Format is to give We got the kids talking...
Learning Intention and Success Criteria We are learning how specifically designed number strings provide structured practice to develop a repertoire of computational strategies. You will be able to develop number strings that provide structured computational strategy practice.
Arithmetic to Algebra Making Number Talks Matter p.77 Students who have experienced Number Talks come to algebra understanding the arithmetic properties because they have used them repeatedly as they reasoned with numbers in ways that made sense to them. …as students have used these properties, it is our jobs as teachers to help students connect the strategies that make sense to the properties that are the foundation of our number system. Use book…turn to Appendix B in back of the book. Note the 9 properties that are being referred to in this segment. What do you notice about the properties that are listed? What properties have you seen your students using?
Thinking About the Numbers: The Research Children develop stronger number sense if allowed to explore strategies when computing, instead of being tied down to rigid procedures such as algorithms. The goal is for children not to be bound to a rigid procedure such as an algorithm that is used regardless of the problem, but rather, to look to the numbers to decide which strategy to use. Dibrienza, J. & Gary Shevell, (1998). Number Strings: Developing Computational Efficiency in a Constructivist Classroom.
Adding to our understanding of Number Strings Read the article Number Strings: Developing Computational Efficiency in a Constructivist Classroom. Stop when you reach “Addition and Subtraction strategies” Highlight interesting ideas that align with what you have been doing. How does the information add to your understanding of number strings?
Save the Last Word for Me In your triad… Select one person to start. Share one sentence/idea from the article. Everyone listens and adds one comment about the same sentence/idea. The last person to share is the person who offered the idea. Repeat the process until everyone has shared.
Engaging in Structured Practice As a table group you will engage in a number talk delivered by one of your tablemates. Be Kind!! Your colleagues just got their assignments! Turn and Talk: How did the number string develop understanding of a strategy and build fluency? Turn and Talk….What is a number string? Why is it an intregral part of a number talk? 14 x 3 100 x 3 114 x 3 1,114 x 3
Focusing on a Different Strategy 8 x 125 5 x 84 3 ½ x 14 8 x 29
Thinking About the Numbers How would you find a solution to… 39 x 7 4 Strategies for Multiplication Break a factor into two or more addends Factor a Factor Round a Factor and Adjust Halving and Doubling
Purposeful…Structured Practice Work with your grade level partner to share the number talk string you developed during the last class. What strategies were you trying to develop? How would you modify the string to achieve your goal? Consider the next computational idea you want to work on with your students. Develop a number string that you will use to provide structured practice. Big Concept?…. Property or Strategy around computation
Learning Intention and Success Criteria We are learning how specifically designed number strings provide structured practice to develop a repertoire computational strategies. You will be able to develop number strings that provide structured computational strategy practice.
Disclaimer Core Mathematics Partnership Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2013-2016 This material was developed for the Core Mathematics Partnership project through the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Center for Mathematics and Science Education Research (CMSER). This material may be used by schools to support learning of teachers and staff provided appropriate attribution and acknowledgement of its source. Other use of this work without prior written permission is prohibited—including reproduction, modification, distribution, or re-publication and use by non-profit organizations and commercial vendors. This project was supported through a grant from the Wisconsin ESEA Title II, Part B, Mathematics and Science Partnerships.