Take turns starting the conversation. IP Blitz Ask as many questions as you can AND answer as much as you can about the topic before the time is up! Take turns starting the conversation.
Things you do in the summer
Your favorite class
Things you HATE
Things you have to do today
Things you need to do to be a good friend
Things good students do
Things you LOVE
Things bad students do
Important people in your life
Your best characteristics
Your fashion style
Your worst characteristics
Someone you idolize & why
Your favorite season & why
Your hobbies (pasatiempos)
Movies you love
Your favorite teacher
Your activities
Your favorite things
Your chores and responsibilities
Things you can /cannot do well
Your free time (tiempo libre)
Your classes
Your house
Your responsibilities
Your bedroom
Your pets
Things you do with your BFF
Your dream house
All about you
Your family
Your best friend
Your favorite holiday
Your favorite celebrities (celebridades)
On the weekends
The perfect boyfriend or girlfriend
Your city
Where you live
Your birthday
TV Shows
Your hero (héroe)
Your school
Your favorite song
Outside your house
Your neighborhood