Gateway To Space T+3 ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #25 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Launch Recap:
So you now have launched something into space…
…now what are you going to do?
Now What To Do: - START working with your data (or lack of data) - FULLY UNDERSTAND what happened and WHY
Now What To Do: - VERIFY FAILURE through testing - WORK HARD to understand what the balloon flight told you - DON’T PANIC – You can still get an A if you do the above well (Spider) - HARDWARE turn-in is 12-07-10 - PREPARE your BalloonSat for re-flight
Cole Bostrom, Corey Godwin, Jonathon Kirchmaier, Emily Logan, Sean Murphy, Seanna Renworth 12-02-08 Rev D
Design Overview
Design Overview Heater HOBO Motor Basic Stamp Camera HB 25
Image Tests The imaging tests were successful in that the camera was able to focus on the mirrors. The window for the camera had to be enlarged so that it had a view of the bottom mirror. After this alteration the platform and camera worked together well. Before Mod After Mod
System Testing: The Camera The camera was tested individually to test its ability to focus on the mirrors and take pictures at five different angles. These tests were successful.
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do: - Have a PLAN for your final report and presentation (Presentation - 11-30-10 8:00 AM) (Report - 12-04-10, email & paper with signatures) - DATA, CODE, and BEST PICTURES due on CD on 12-04-10 - TEAM VIDEO due 12-04-10 (under 4 minutes and *.mov, *.wmv, *.mp4, *.mpg formats only) - PREPARE for ITLL Design Expo (12-04-10) You must attend!
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do:
Now What To Do: - HW #7 (Due November 18, 2010 4:00 PM) - THANK those that helped you (Tim May) - ATTEND class - 11/11 The Future of Space Exploration - 11/16 Launch Vehicles - 11/18 JUNO Mission - 11/30 Final Presentations #1 - 12/02 Final Presentations #2 - 12/07 Spacecraft Power and Career Advice - 12/09 Final Exam Review plus more - 12/15 Final Exam 4:30 to 7:00 PM
Announcements: Fill out your Post Flight Prelimi-nary Recap by end of class today (1 per team)
Announcements: - Don’t forget about community service by end of the semester - I don’t approve of you missing class to do this - Should have latest grades posted this week, please tell me if you see mistakes - Comments on DD C back next Tuesday in class - Maps, radios, coolers…
Satellite Tool Kit T-39 Wes Bradley Analytical Graphics Class #25 Colorado Space Grant Consortium