World Class Education
Topic 5 The American Civil War 1861-1865
Long-Term Causes of the Civil War: Theories 2 Long-Term Causes of the Civil War: Theories A conflict between two different economic systems A clash of two different cultures or “civilizations” A conflict of opposing ideologies about the Union A needless war brought on by constant agitation and a blundering generation of inept leaders An Irrepressible War – bound to come A war brought on by an “excess of democracy” Growth of Southern “nationalism” A distinctive Southern “Mind” States’ Rights v. Nationalism (constitutional differences) The “Slave Power” conspiracy A conflict over slavery
Short-Term Causes of the Civil War 3 Short-Term Causes of the Civil War Controversy over expansion of slavery Election of Lincoln in 1860 Southern refusal to accept results of the election Secession – Beginning in December 1860 Refusal of the North to let the South go and the refusal of the South to return to the Union Firing on Fort Sumter – April 1861
Resources Union and Confederacy 4 Resources Union and Confederacy Wealth: North 75% v. South 25% Farms: North 67% v. South 33% Factories: North 81% v. South 19% RR Mileage: North 66% v. South 34% Manpower: North 61% v. South 39%
Why the Civil War Lasted Four Years 5 Why the Civil War Lasted Four Years Both sides were unprepared and needed time to organize New military technology made a quick decisive victory impossible – battles often indecisive Armies rarely fought in winter – inactive for half the year Union blockade of the Confederacy ineffective for first 18 months
The War Leaders 6
Turning Points of the Civil War 8 Turning Points of the Civil War 1862: Battle of Antietam / Emancipation Proclamation 1863: Union victories at Vicksburg, Gettysburg, Chattanooga 1864: Lincoln’s re-election
Reasons for the Union Victory 9 Superior political leadership / Reelection of Lincoln in 1864 Emancipation Proclamation, 1862 Superior human and material resources Superior military leadership Battlefield victories – especially victories in the Western Theater
Reasons for Confederate Defeat Theories 10 Reasons for Confederate Defeat Theories Southern localism (“died of states’ rights”) Poor diplomacy Union naval blockade Financial problems Weak presidential administration Failed diplomacy Inadequate resources Rebel fascination with the offensive Battlefield defeats in 1863 (including Union victories in the Western Theater) Reelection of Lincoln in 1864 Loss of the will to fight
Selected Readings Kenneth Stampp, The Causes of the Civil War 11 Selected Readings Kenneth Stampp, The Causes of the Civil War Michael Perman (ed.), The Coming of the American Civil War James McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom Terry Jones, The American Civil War