Rain of Gold Short answer questions
Section 1 What is Espirito searching for in Chapter 1? What is Espirito offered for the golden rocks in the springs? What is the one condition that Espirito and his people put on the spring when they sell it? Who does the second owner sell the mine to? Why does the first owner sell the spring? What year does the Mexican Revolution start?
Chapter 1 What has the mine been named? Where does Don Victor go in search of work? How do Dona Guadalupe and her children make money? Where do Dona Guadalupe and her children hide when the army horsemen come through their canyon? Why do the poor Mexicans think highly of Colonel Maytorena? What warning does Dona Guadalupe give to her youngest daughter Lupe early in the story?
Chapter 2 Where does Lupe go to school? What does the Colonel give to Lupe to give to her teacher? Who makes fun of Lupe in front of the whole class on her first day at school? Who is Don Juan? What is Colonel Maytorena's job while in Lupe's town? What is the name of Colonel Maytorena's wife?
Chapter 3 Why does Dona Guadalupe and her family crush the gold ore they have discovered into dust? Who does Don Benito fall in love with while in town? Who does Don Benito feel that he needs to impress in Chapter 3? Who is having trouble keeping the secret that they have discovered gold? What does Dona Guadalupe offer to make for Don Benito? Who is the mayor's eldest daughter?
Chapter 4 What is the name of the town midwife? How is the time of day described when Socorro is giving birth? Why are the animals howling and calling out while Socorro is giving birth? What does the midwife say about the pain tolerance of men? Who is congratulated by the midwife for her assistance during Socorro's delivery? How many babies does Socorro give birth to?
Chapter 5 Who are the two sides involved in the great war that is occurring in the valley? What does Dona Guadalupe want to do with her share of the gold that they have found? What is the name of the young man who is hired by Don Benito to help move rocks and earth from the gold find? On the day they are scheduled to blast the location where they located their gold, what does Victoriano forget and have to go back home to retrieve? Why is La Liebre upset with Dona Guadalupe and her family? At the funeral celebration for Don Benito, who announces that they are getting married?
Chapter 6 Why does Socorro throw out all of her husband's clothing? What one item of Colonel Maytorena's clothing does Lupe rescue from being discarded? What does Lupe find near the altar that she has made for Colonel Maytorena? What favor does Senora Munoz ask of Lupe at school one day? What special gift does Don Tiburcio bring to Dona Guadalupe for her family to share? Which of Dona Guadalupe's daughters does Don Tiburcio seek to marry?
Chapter 7 Why are the people in the village leaving to find work in other areas? Why is Victoriano looking through the discarded ore for gold? Why does La Liebre decide to have Victoriano hanged in the town square? What weapon does Dona Guadalupe give to her son after she frees him from being hanged? Which powerful person is killed by Victoriano? Towards the end of Chapter 7, what do the soldiers do in response to the angry crowds they see in the village?
Section 2 Who goes with Don Castro to start a new community? Where does Don Castro set out from when leaving to start a new community? What type of land are Don Castro and his companions looking for to start their new community? How many men start the new community with Don Castro? Many years after the new community is settled, how does the revolution affect this small community? What do the villagers do as a result of the revolution on their small community?
Chapter 8 Where is Juan Salvador Villasenor traveling with his family in Chapter 8? Why does Juan Salvador distract the foreman of a farm as his family is passing it? What horrible thing has happened to Juan's sister Emilia? What is the name of Juan Salvador's youngest brother? Who is Epitacio? 6. What family pet does Dona Margarita have to kill for food?
Chapter 9 Who misses the train to America with Juan? Why are the train passengers put off the train and forced to camp while the train leaves? Where do Juan and his sisters find seeds for their dinner while trying to walk to the U.S.? What is the reaction of Juan Salvador and his family upon seeing El Paso? What do Epitacio and Juan see across the Rio Grande? What job does Dona Margarita get so that she can feed her family?