Howell Township Municipal Alliance Welcome! Learn who we are…. …and what we do to better the Howell community!
Howell Township Municipal Alliance About the HTMA Established in 1989 Implements substance use, alcoholism/underage drinking, and tobacco use prevention programs with a focus on community youth Collaborates with residents and organizations to build capacity and gain widespread participation representative of the entire Howell community
Howell Township Municipal Alliance Problem/ Risk: Drug overdoses (particularly from heroin and other opiates), prescription drug abuse, and suicide rates are increasing in Howell Township and communities across the nation among youth and young adults ages 18 to 25. Strategy: HTMA pairs with Howell Township’s law enforcement, schools, community and civic organizations, residents, and businesses to institute effective prevention programs that address these specific issues. HTMA’s Prevention Press newsletter is distributed township-wide through schools and community events to inform about prevention strategies, as well as other at-risk behaviors. A link to the newsletter is on the Alliance page of the township website. The Alliance identifies community at-risk behaviors and problems and addresses them with prevention programs.
Howell Township Municipal Alliance Identifies specific, current at-risk community populations and behaviors based on research, statistics, and data generated from community agencies Informs township and governing town council on above trends, as well as indicates plans for effective prevention program implementation throughout Howell Presents township risks/trends and proposes appropriate preventative initiatives to county, state, and national officials to secure as much grant money as possible for Howell Township from Alliance-allocated funds Organizes fundraisers and solicits donations to raise additional money from corporations, private institutions, and community members Implements drug, alcohol, and tobacco use prevention programs tailored to address Howell Township’s current prevention needs among youth and the community at large
GRANT money that funds HTMA programs and other prevention strategies Howell Township Municipal Alliance GRANT money that funds HTMA programs and other prevention strategies Comes from federal Drug Enforcement Demand Reduction (DEDR) funds Is coordinated by the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse’s (GCADA) state/county Alliance program •Additional HTMA prevention awareness funding comes from Howell Township and HTMA fundraisers
Howell Township Municipal Alliance HTMA Law Enforcement Schools Civic & Community Groups Residents & Businesses Community Components
Howell Township Municipal Alliance School: Students, teachers, and administrators Howell K-8 Public School District SRO Maureen McBride and SAC Jeanna Ribon Howell High School SAC Camille Mussari and SADD students
Howell Township Police Department Howell Township Municipal Alliance Howell Township Police Department Left to right: School resource officers (SROs) Corporal Michael Pavlick of Howell High School and Officers Maureen McBride and Jayme Higgins of Howell K-8 Public Schools
Howell Township Municipal Alliance Civic and Community Volunteer Groups Howell Optimist Club and NFL Players, including linebacker Chase Blackburn of the NY Giants at the annual Mayor’s Cup Golf Outing Howell PAL Summer Football Camp Howell Township and community organizations, such as the Howell Chamber of Commerce, Howell Optimist Club, and Howell PAL are active participants in the HTMA
Howell Township Municipal Alliance Howell’s Residents and Businesses Community businesses, professionals, and corporations offer support to the HTMA. Residents volunteer their time to assist with our prevention strategies and programs. CFC Loud N Clear Foundation and HTMA partner for prevention, treatment, and recovery at Home Depot’s annual Prevention Day Pharmacies and stores throughout Howell participate in HTMA’s prescription disposal bag initiative to clean out medicine cabinets and save lives.
Howell Township Municipal Alliance TEAMWORK! HTMA membership is comprised of many active components from our community with whom we maintain mutually supportive relationships to positively impact Howell.
Howell Township Municipal Alliance BE PART OF THE SOLUTION! Alliance meetings: 3rd Tuesday of month, 12:30 pm, Howell Municipal Building Friends of the Alliance think tanks: 1st Monday of quarter, 7 pm, Echo Lake
Howell Township Municipal Alliance Contact: Ralph Hoffman HTMA coordinator 732-938-4500 ext. 4012 Online: Howell Township Website, (click “Departments,” then select “Municipal Alliance”)