Silverton ISD School Health Advisory Council Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 Silverton ISD School Health Advisory Council Annual Progress Report To the Board of Trustees June 2018 1
School Health Advisory Council Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 School Health Advisory Council Every independent school district is required by law to have a school health advisory council (SHAC) of which the majority of members must be parents who are not employed by the school district. The SHAC is annually appointed by the local education agency Board of Trustees. Texas Education Code Title 2, Chapter 28, Section 28.004 2
Silverton ISD SHAC Members 2017-2018 Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 Silverton ISD SHAC Members 2017-2018 Efrain Gonzalez: Chairperson/Youth Pastor/Parent Shandy Beedy: Co-Chairperson/School Nurse Ashley Knight: Parent Molly Forman: Parent/AgriLive Extension Lori Mullins: Parent DeLysa Maciel: Cafeteria Manager Patsy Towe: School Counselor Buddy Isbell: Physical Education/Coach Clyde Parham: Principal Michelle Francis: Superintendent April Howell Jade Holt Kallie Cox, Samantha Smith, Cash Carpenter - KSHAC This slide is a typical representation of members. Adjust to match your district composition. Remember that the law now states that a parent must be the chairperson or at least co-chair of the SHAC and that the majority of members must be parents. 3
Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 What is a SHAC? A SHAC is a group of individuals representing segments of the community and school district which provides advice to the district on coordinated school health (CSH) programming and its impact on student health and learning. 4
Coordinated School Health Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 Coordinated School Health All Texas schools are required by law to implement a CSH program in grades K-8. Texas Education Code Title 3, Chapter 38, Section 38.013 5
What is Coordinated School Health? Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 What is Coordinated School Health? Coordinated School Health is a systematic approach of advancing student academic performance by promoting, practicing, and coordinating school health education and services for the benefit and well-being of students in establishing healthy behaviors designed to last a lifetime. 6
Coordinated School Health Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 Coordinated School Health 7
Coordinated School Health Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 Coordinated School Health Eight Components Health Education Healthy and Safe School Environment Counseling and Mental Health Services Parent and Community Involvement Staff Wellness Promotion Health Services Physical Education Nutrition Services 8
The National Health Education Standards The National Health Education Standards (NHES) are written expectations for what students should know and be able to do by grades 2, 5, 8, and 12 to promote personal, family, and community health. The standards provide a framework for curriculum development and selection, instruction, and student assessment in health education.
The National Health Education Standards Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors. Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services to enhance health. Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
The National Health Education Standards Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health. Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health. Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. Standard 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.
Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 SHAC’s The local board of trustees to appoint at least five members to the local school health advisory council. The council is required to meet at least four times a year and must annually submit recommendations regarding the district's health education curriculum. If human sexuality will be taught, the district must provide written notice, a summary of course content, and information on parents' rights. 12
State Legislated SHAC Requirements Committee-related A parent must serve as the chairman or co-chair A minimum of five members must be appointed to serve on the SHAC by Board of Trustees Majority of members must be parents who are not employees of the district SHAC must meet at least 4 times a year SHAC must deliver an annual report to the Board of Trustees SHAC is required to submit recommendations regarding the districts’ health education curriculum
State Legislated Requirements District/Campus-Related SHACs can provide oversight for the following activities required of local campus/districts per legislation: Provide written notice, course content and parents’ rights regarding sexuality education if taught Ensure that full-day pre-k students participate in 30 minutes of daily vigorous activity Include goals and objectives for CSH in HS and MS Campus Improvement Plans Administer FITNESSGRAM® to all students in grades 3-12 Choose an evidenced based alcohol awareness instructional program Use the PAPA program in HS or MS health classes Comply with revised graduation requirements
Silverton ISD SHAC Goals for 2017-2018 Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 Silverton ISD SHAC Goals for 2017-2018 Implement KSHAC (Kids School Health Advisory Council) to help with various health needs Condensed CPR/AED course to JH students (not implemented due to school nurse time issues) Continue faculty fitness program “Wise Choices” motto for school year (various activities and presentations were held during year, however, did not emphasize actual motto) 15
Silverton ISD Health Related Activities Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 Silverton ISD Health Related Activities Fitnessgram for grades 3-12 Coffee Memorial Blood Drive CATCH program (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) taught in PE classes Elementary students visited the fire station and learned about fire safety and had law enforcement/EMS talk to them about 911 emergencies Red Ribbon Week (Drug Prevention) Snack Pack program provided to various students 16
Silverton ISD Health Related Activities Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 Silverton ISD Health Related Activities Oral hygiene kits donated to each 1st grade student by The Masons and dental education provided by the school nurse Healthy choices offered in the cafeteria Vision, hearing, and spinal screenings completed for required students The FISH Philosophy was continued Seniors, coaches, sponsors, and bus drivers certified in Heartsaver CPR AED course by AHA 17
Silverton ISD Health Related Activities Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 Silverton ISD Health Related Activities Staff Wellness “Point to Healthy” Mammography bus came to the district Salad bar offered for staff in cafeteria The cafeteria is decorated with 3 nutrition themed murals and there are several posters with nutritional facts GermBlast continued P.A.P.A training (parenting and paternity awareness) is taught in HS health class 18
Silverton ISD Health Related Activities Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 Silverton ISD Health Related Activities STD/STI prevention taught in HS health class MHMR provided training in suicide prevention to staff Hygiene packets given to 6th, 7th, 8th grades Sexual education talk provided to 5th grade PTO elementary bounce houses play day Tornado and Fire Drills conducted Flu vaccine offered to staff Anaphylaxis and AED training provided to staff Suicide prevention training for staff 19
Silverton ISD Health Related Activities Physicals offered to HS and JH students from clinic Letter from the nurse sent out at beginning of school year about screenings and presentations legally required Community service cleanup for PK-12 Learn Grow Eat Go program for 4th and 5th grade Autism training for staff
Silverton ISD Health Related Activities K-12 required vaccinations reported “Who We Play For” EKG screening to all students and faculty KSHAC implemented Unlicensed Diabetic Care Assistants certified HS motivational bin in hallways Ag Day – 5th grade Open House – Title 1 parent involvement “Shattered Dreams” program Random Acts of Kindness lunch - FCCLA
Goals for 2018-2019 JH CPR/AED education Continue KSHAC (incorporate JH and elementary students) Active shooter presentations and drills for faculty and students
Silverton ISD Information The Silverton ISD SHAC Web site:
Annual Progress Report to School Board 11/13/2018 2017-2018 SHAC Meeting Dates September 13, 2017 October 25, 2017 November 29, 2017 May 21, 2018 Minimum of four meetings required annually. Anyone is welcome to attend any meeting. 24
Useful Web Sites Texas School Health Advisory Committee: TXPTA Healthy Lifestyle Web page: TEA Fitness Data: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS) Survey: CDC Coordinated School Health: Texas Department of Agriculture Square Meals:,1248,2348_2349_0_0,00.html Regional Education Service Centers: Texas Legislature Online: