Contents Solar Power History Solar Power Yield Temperature Coefficient and Performance Ratio Solar Power Financial Model Solar Power Carrying Charge Analysis Contents
General Objectives Objective 1: Develop a reasonable method where you can use the temperature reported in the EU website and derive a reasonable production estimate. 01 Objective 2: Demonstrate a Financial Model with Costs and Ability to Update Circular References 02 Objective 3: Illustrate how to use Carrying Charge Analysis as a Proxy for Project Finance Model to Evaluate Tracking Cost and Benefit 03
Summary of Tools Read PVINSIGHT Read PDF to Excel for EU Website MSE and Excel Tools for Evaluating P90, P95 etc. Database of Actual Solar Production Solver Analysis for Performance Ratio and Waterfall Charts Solar Project Finance Models with Circular Reference Resolution and Re-financing Cost of Debt and Equity Capital and Implied Inflation from Databases Carrying Charge Analysis LCOE Spreadsheet and Analysis
Solar Power History and Parameters
German Feed-In Tariffs
Merchant Prices in Germany The feed-in tariffs were dramatically higher than wholesale prices of generation as shown in the graph. The 45.70 (or Euro 450.7/MWH) is way off the chart. The 9.47 or Euro 94.7/MWH is also off the scale.
Spanish Case and Political Risk Higher or similar feed-in tariffs to Germany and much higher capacity factors. Germany had limit on capacity, Spain did not. Total Cost of 26.4 Billion Euros
If produced at full capacity factor (kWp) during the day and nothing at night, the capacity factor would be 50% and the yield would be 8760/2 = 4380. Just need solar patterns over the day. Don’t need anything else. Illustration of STC
STC and Capacity Factor Given that the STC at 1000 w/m2 defines the capacity, if you can find the average w/m2 for a year you can compute the capacity factor before the performance ratio: If you have annual data on the kWh that hits a plane (a horizontal plane or an inclined plane), then the average per hour is the total divided by 8760. If you have average daily data you can divide the number by 24 STC and Capacity Factor
Where to Find Tools – PV Insight Read
Recent EPC Cost of Solar in India
LCOE of Solar Power
LCOE Points Understanding how to compute levelised cost per MWH from fixed and variable costs using the capacity factor Use of a carrying charge rate to summarise financial ratios and project finance parameters Effect of different drivers for different power plants Importance of carrying charge rates for capital intensive plants
LCOE Discussion As the off-taker evaluates alternative PPA bids with levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), understanding details of the LCOE calculation is important. Basic calculation of the LCOE can be derived from factors that include the capital cost per kW, the capacity factor, the O&M costs, the fuel costs and the carrying charge rate. The carrying charge can be computed as the EBITDA divided by the capital cost of the plant or it can be computed from the project IRR of the project with the PMT function. The carrying charge is driven by the required equity IRR, the debt cost, the debt tenor, the debt level and the tax rate. The panel below shows where to find an example of using the different cost drivers to compute the LCOE and the right panel illustrates the effect of financial parameters on the LCOE. The first diagram illustrates short- run marginal cost with a supply curve and the second diagram shows an example of computing long-run marginal cost.
Introduction to LCOE Eight Factors that drive LCOE of electric generating facilities ranging from solar projects to NGCC projects Understanding how to compute levelised cost per MWH from fixed and variable costs using the capacity factor Use of a carrying charge rate to summarise financial ratios and project finance parameters Effect of different drivers for different power plants Importance of carrying charge rates for capital intensive plants
Basic Equations for Revenue Build Up Electricity plants have capacity which is the ability to produce at an instant kW, mW, W For producing revenue, there must be some kind of time dimension attached to the capacity Hours, months, years kW x h, kW x month, kW x year kWh, kW-month, kW-year There is a basic distinction in project finance for availability and output based projects. Output base projects earn revenues on production, availability based projects earn revenue as long as the plant is available to produce even if it does not produce. Output based projects (renewable): revenue = price x kWh Availability based projects (dispatchable): revenue = price x kW- month
Step 1 of LCOE: Annual Carrying Charge per kW Convert the Cost per kW which is the crucial driver of power costs for many technologies by the carrying charge rate. This gives the cost per kW-year. The carrying charge can be thought of as the amount of annual EBITDA required for an amount of up-front cost. It can also be thought of as the return on and the return of capital to carry the investment. It can also be thought of like the loan payment on a house divided by the price of the house. Annual Carrying Charges = Cost/kW x Carrying Charge Rate
Step 2: Total Fixed Cost per kW-year Add the fixed O&M costs expressed in Amount (e.g. USD) per kW-year to the annual carrying charges to derive the total annual cost per kW-year. Total Annual Fixed Cost/kW-year = Annual Carrying Charges + Fixed O&M Cost
Step 3: Compute the Fixed Cost to Turn on the Lights Compute the total fixed cost based on energy rather than capacity. To do this, you need the capacity factor (for renewable) or the availability factor for base load (assuming the plant will run whenever it is available). The hours that must be covered by the fixed cost are 8766 x capacity factor. The total annual fixed cost per MWH as the annual cost x 1000 divided by 8766 x capacity factor. Total Annual Fixed Cost/MWH = Total Fixed Cost/kW-year x 1000/ (8766 x CF)
LCOE Calculation – Calculation of Cost per MWH Compute the total fixed cost based on energy rather than capacity. To do this, you need the capacity factor (for renewable) or the availability factor for base load (assuming the plant will run whenever it is available). The hours that must be covered by the fixed cost are 8766 x capacity factor. The total annual fixed cost per MWH as the annual cost x 1000 divided by 8766 x capacity factor. Total Annual Fixed Cost/MWH = Total Fixed Cost/kW-year x 1000/ (8766 x CF) Compute the fuel cost as the heat rate expressed in MMBTU/MWH with the Cost (e.g. USD/MMBTU) to derive the fuel cost per MWH. Fuel Cost (USD/MWH) = Heat Rate (MMBTU/MWH) x Fuel Price (USD/MMBTU) Add the variable O&M per MWH to the fuel cost to derive the total variable cost per MWH. Variable Cost (USD/MWH) = Fuel Cost + Variable O&M Add the total fixed cost to the variable cost to derive the levelized cost per MWH. Levelised Cost/MWH = Total Fixed Cost/MWH + Total Variable Cost/MWH
LCOE Basic Illustration First Need the Operating Parameters for Solar or for Diesel. Need the variable and fuel costs for diesel.
Now Move to Carrying Charges Carrying Charges can be computed with the PMT function. You can reconcile this to a simple financial model. Can compute on a nominal or real basis.
LCOE on Nominal or Real Basis Compute on both a nominal and real basis using alternative carrying charge rates.
Reconciliation of LCOE and Project Finance Model Proof: Put in real rate with inflation. Then put in the inflation rate for revenues and operating costs. Demonstrate that the project IRR is achieved.
LCOE for Base Load and Intermittent Plant Treat the levelized cost analysis differently for a base load plant and an intermittent low capacity factor renewable energy plant. For the base load plant measure the avoided cost of unavailable time. For the intermittent plant with low capacity factor (e.g. solar and low capacity factor wind), measure the levelized cost relative to short-run avoided cost (should include the cost of ancillary services). For the intermittent plant with a high capacity factor (e.g. off-shore wind and geothermal), could perform a loss of load probability analysis that credits the intermittent plant with some capacity value. Note that the carrying charge formula is consistent with the formula: LCOE = NPV(Revenues)/NPV(MWH) when degradation is accounted for in the carrying charges and the carrying charge formula includes inflation. This implies that the carrying charges are computed on a real and not nominal basis if all the fuel and O&M components are inflated on the same basis.
Use of LCOE for Comparison with Dispatchable Technologies Compare Real LCOE (not nominal) to Current Variable Costs including Fuel and Variable O&M. Can make adjustment for spinning reserve also.
Revenue Build-up and LCOE LCOE is the levelized or weighted average price of electricity over the lifetime of a project Cost of electricity is Revenue/MWH LCOE is weighted Revenue/MWH over the lifetime of a plant Weighting Cost of capital so future revenues have lower weight than current revenues Amount of generation so periods with more generation have more weight Instead of detailed weighted average could use NPV formula where LCOE = NPV of Revenues/NPV of Generation
Risk Allocation and Drivers in PPA Agreement IPP Controls and Takes Risk IPP Control and Risk Off-taker Risk Off-taker Controls Dispatch, IPP controls Availability IPP Control and Takes Risk Off-taker Plant Cost and Construction Delay Efficiency (Heat Rate) Fuel Price Capacity Factor and Availability Factor from Forced and Unforced Variable O&M Expense Fixed O&M Expense Carrying Charge Rate
Drivers and Contracts - Renewable IPP Risks Cost of Project, Time Delay and Technology Parameters Capacity Factor Risk O&M Risk Interest Rate Fluctuation Risk Mitigation EPC Contract with Fixed Price and LD (LSTK) NONE !!! O&M Contract Interest Rate Contract (Fix Rates)
Example of LCOE Prices Price in Year 1 is 100 Price in Year 2 is 200 Generation Generation is 500 in year 1 Generation is 1000 in year 2 Discount Rate is 10% PV Factor is 1/1.1 = .909 in year 1 PV Factor is 1/1.21 = .826 in year 2 Average price is 150 Weighted average price for Generation is: 33 x 100 + .67 x 200 = 33 + 134 = 167. This can be computed as (100 x 500+200 x 100)/1,500 or 167. This is sum of revenue/sum of generation Weighted average price for discounting is .909 x 100 + .826 x 200 divided by (.909 + .826) LCOE Combines weightings
LCOE Illustration LCOE formula: LCOE = NPV Revenues/NPV Units
LCOE Benchmarking Ask Questions about cost, O&M, heat rate etc. in Biomass
LCOE Benchmarking 2
LCOE Benchmarking 3 Which one should you believe – look at the Capital Cost of biomass
Base Case LCOE from Database Solar LCOE with Different Carrying Charge Rates from Database
LCOE Best Case Low real returns, high debt, low credit spreads
LCOE Worst Case High real returns, low debt, high credit spread. Note how costs are double.
Solar Power Yield and Capacity Factor
Solar Yield Files – Read PDF and EU Site There are two outputs whether for PVSyst or for the EU site or for the PVWATT Hm: Average monthly sum of global irradiation per square meter received by the modules of the given system [kWh/m²]. This could be called POA – point of access or it could be called Effective irradiance on collectors. Em: Average monthly electricity production from the given system [kWh]. In PVSyst this is Earray or Energy Injected into the grid
Solar Power Yield Files Case study on comparison of yield from alternative sources. Problem is that there is more variation from different sources than comes from the year by year variation. Location of files on
Output from EU file on Point of Access and Output to Grid The yield analysis demonstrates that different sources can give you different results and this comes from either the point of access energy or the performance ratio.
Solar Power Yield – Database of Actual Production Note the small actual variation in solar production – the problem is the starting point and risk goes down after COD.
Year by Year Variation Compute the P90 level from standard deviation and average using NORMINV
P90 and P50 DSCR with Actual Case Actual case where P50 and P90 were estimated.
Performance Ratio
Use of Regression to Find the Implied Temperature on the Panels Objective: Come up with a reasonable method where you can use the temperature reported in the EU website and derive a reasonable production estimate. At the end of the section you can do the following with the EU data: Compute the Panel Temperature from the Ambient Temperature For example, Panel = 20 + 1.2 * Ambient Apply the temperature coefficient to the panel temperature Use a typical loss factor for other items Therefore, derive a performance ratio that is a function of the temperature
First, Some Terms Horizontal global irradiation This is only useful when there is no tilt. The only case where it is optimal to have no tilt is when you are on the equator Horizontal global irradiation This accounts for tilt and tracking. The capacity factor at this point is the basis for computing the performance ratio. Also called Point of Access Irradiation Effective irradiance on collectors The IAM depends on tilt and soiling is estimated. These are part of the performance ratio. Corrections for reflection (IAM) and soiling This is the final number of use in computing the performance ratio and in the final yield and capacity factor. Energy injected to grid at AC
Formulas The energy from a solar project can expressed as capacity factor or yield. The energy hitting the solar plane (point of access) can be expressed as a capacity factor – watt hour on average over the year divided by 1000. The energy produced can also be expressed as a capacity factor: Capacity Factor = (Energy/8760)/Capacity
Solar PV – Inverter and Solar Arrays Capacity Factor of Generation to Grid relative to kWp Capacity Factor of Sunlight – Average Sunlight Divided by Capacity of Sunlight Defined as 1000 w Performance Ratio is the Capacity Factor of the Final Divided by the Capacity Factor of Amounts that Hit the Array
Work Through PVSyst Can divide the energy injected to grid divided by radiation on collectors Don’t need anything other than the column of Effective Irradiance on Collectors as well as Energy Injected into the Grid. Convert both of these to capacity factors and then divide the energy into grid by the irradiation on collectors.
Loss Diagram Illustration Convert loss diagram into capacity factor and compare different cases. Difficult to compute performance ratio from these diagrams. Generally, the loss due to temperature is the largest loss factor.
PVSyst and Waterfall Chart for Capacity Factor You can use the waterfall macro to make this chart. Note the temperature coefficient is the largest negative bar. The performance ratio is computed from dividing the final bar by the second blue bar. PR is 22.34/26.94 or 81.12%
Loss Diagram for Australia Loss diagram from using waterfall diagram macro in terms of capacity factor. Again the temperature is the biggest factor. PR = 22.32/27.47 or 81.31%
Mexico Loss Factor Again, the largest loss factor is the temperature effect.
Decomposing the Performance Ratio Final CF = CF at POA x (1-loss1) x (1-loss2) x (1-loss3) x (1-loss4) …. The final capacity factor can be expressed using the formula: Final CF = CF at POA x (1-Temprature) x (1-other losses) This can also be expressed as: PR = (1-Temprature) x (1-other losses) Since PR = Final CF/CF at POA, then
Looking for Correlation between Temperature Loss and Temperature Levels The table below shows that expected correlations between temperature coefficient and temperature loss is not consistent. This should be the basis for questions rather than going through the detail.
Performance Ratio within Year The performance ratio can be computed on a month by month, recognizing that: PR = Final CF/CF at POA.
Scatter Plots of PR and Temperature You can create scatter plots within a year and there should be a strong negative relationship. Note the temperature coefficient is about -.4 % change to C.
Performance Ratio and Temperature in Other Cases
Temperature Coefficient The temperature coefficient is the value of the slope for the percent change in output versus the change in temperature. For example, the temperature coefficient of a Sharp Solar Panel NU-U230F3 is -.485% per 1 degree Celsius. So, for every degree above 25°C, the maximum power of the Sharp solar panel falls by .485%, for every degree below, it increases by .485%. The problem is that the temperature is not the Ambient Temperature but the temperature of the panels.
Example of Temperature Coefficient You can find temperature coefficients – some examples are listed below.
Note how the example adds 30 degrees to the panel. Problems with Measuring Temperature on Panels versus Ambient Temperature Note how the example adds 30 degrees to the panel.
Derive Implied Panel Temperature Percent Loss * 100 = (Panel Temp - 25) x Temperature Coefficient Input Temperature Coefficient Compute Loss from PR and Other Losses Derive Panel Temperature from Equation Below Percent Loss * 100/Temp Coefficient = (Panel -25) Panel = Percent Loss * 100/Temp Coefficient + 25 Panel Temp = Amb Temp * Mult Factor + Constant Factor
Example of Finding Implied Panel Temperature This example works through the equations and comes up with a slope and intercept. In this case Panel = 15.26 + Amb * 1.18
Second Example of Finding Panel Temperature The implied panel temperature depends on input for the temperature coefficient and the performance ratio.
Inconsistent Results If the results would be consistent in terms of the slope and the intercept, then an independent equation with the temperature coefficient could be applied.
Temperature and Power Reduction Definition – Percent Change in Production Divided by Change in Temperature
Capital Cost per kW
Example of Aggressive Cost Estimate Cancun Estimate
Cost of Items other than Modules
Example of High Cost – NY Project Note cost/kW
Surprising Range in Capital Cost from Published Databases – A little Out of Date From Lazard, IEA, EIA
Tracking Notes
Cost of Tracking
Reconciliation of Carrying Charge Rates and Project Finance
Solar Operating and Maintenance Expenses
Solar O&M Cost per kW-year from LCOE Databases Quite a large range in cost – what exactly is in O&M cost is an issue.
Operating and Maintenance Cost for Commercial There is a big variation in Fixed O&M cost expressed in USD/kwyr
Analysis of Inverter Replacement Levelized cost of inverter replacement should be in O&M. Sometimes called life cycle costs.
All of the Costs on Top of Pure O&M Example from New York
Reconciling Project Finance Model and Carrying Charge Rates
Carrying Charge File Compute the carrying charge from cost of capital, plant life, tax, debt etc.
Case 1: Starting Point No Debt No Inflation Constant Cost of Capital No Taxes No Construction Period PMT function and Project Finance Model with Equity IRR and Goal Seek Produce the Same Result Demonstrate that you can just use the capital cost and a carrying charge rate with inflation or a project finance model Required EBITDA = Capital Cost x Carrying Charge Rate Required Revenue = EBITDA + Operating Expenses Level Price = Required Revenue/Generation Case 1: Starting Point
Case 2: Understanding of Real vs Nominal LCOE Allow Price to Inflate in the simple project finance model Think about an alternative project with only fuel cost and where fuel cost increases with inflation Financial Model – Inflation and Goal Seek to get target IRR PMT function – Use Real Rate and then Inflate the PMT Real rate is (1+target IRR)/(1+ Inflation)-1 Now the EBITDA is the first year EBITDA Now the LCOE is the Real LCOE Case 2: Understanding of Real vs Nominal LCOE
In project finance model put in reduction in output – if panels lose 15% of output in 25 years, then the annual degradation is: Annual = (1+15%)^(1/25)-1 Include a reduction in generation in the project finance model and re-do the target IRR. When using the PMT function, treat like negative inflation Point about the generation changing too and the reason for LCOE formula where: Real LCOE = NPV(Nominal Rate,Revenues)/NPV(Real Rate, Generation) Case 3: Degradation
Case 4: Taxes and No Debt Note how leave debt to the end. In project finance model include depreciation and then multiply EBITDA by taxes. Then use Target IRR. In case with PMT, need to first compute depreciation from capital cost. Then use algebra: Revenues = Equity Return + Taxes Taxes = (Revenues – Depreciation) x Tax Rate Revenues = Equity Return + (Revenues – Depreciation) x Tax Rate Revenues – Revenues x Tax Rate = Equity Return – Depreciation x Tax Rate Revenues = (Equity Return – Depreciation x Tax)/(1-Tax Rate) Revenues = (PMT with Inflation – Deprecation x Tax)/(1-Tax)
Case 5: Construction Period but Still No Debt Run project finance model and add a construction period Use PMT function with FV instead of simple plant cost When using FV use the real required equity IRR Note that everything depends on the IRR premium above the rate of inflation
Alternative debt assumptions Case 6: Debt Alternative debt assumptions Sculpting Re-financing Tail by the end of re-financing Key is the interest rate relative to inflation With re-financing, the amount of debt and the credit spread really matter and not the tenor of the debt
Interest Rates and Inflation Interest Rates Related to Inflation – US. Negative Real Rate
Interest Rates and Inflation Interest Rates Related to Inflation - US
Inflation Expectations in Cost of Capital Expected inflation from Index bond less nominal interest rate
Inflation and Interest Rates in India Real Rate is the key to LCOE
Credit Spreads BBB Spreads for Project Finance
Credit Spreads – More Detailed Graph Spreads between 1.3% and 2.2%
Summary of Tools to Analyse Solar Financing of Solar Power
Key Points About Batteries Understanding the difference between kWh and kW in measuring capital and operating costs What characteristics of batteries make most sense in terms of duration Importance of battery life, degradation, replacement and cost of capital True value of ancillary services
LCOS in Lazard Study Does this USD/MWH mean anything at all for you. The cost is far far higher than the cost of solar. The cost of lithium seems to be lower than flow batteries
Does the Charge (kW) or the Discharge (kWh) drive the Cost
Do you Care about the Duration
Think of a Batter Like a Water Tower The storage tank is the number of hours that be stored and then delivered. It is measured in kWh. If the capacity is 100 kW and the storage is 4 hours, then the kWh is 400 kWh. The pipe is the capacity at any instant. If this pipe capacity is 100 kW, then in one hour, the maximum that can be charged or delivered is 100 kWh
Case 1 1 Hour of Sunlight and 1 Hour of Required Discharge for Lighting 1 MW Charge Discharge In this case, it does not help to have a duration of 4 hours. You pay for a kW of charge and the same 1 hour of discharge. Extra payment for long discharge is a waste
Which would you Rather Have in terms of Cost 1,540 to 1,956 per kw versus 883 to 1,176 per kw
Case 2 1 Hour of Sunlight and 4 Hours of Required Discharge for Lighting 4 MW Charge Discharge 4 batteries with 1 MW 1 MW 1 MW 1 MW 1 MW In this case again, it does not help to have a duration of 4 hours or 2 hours on the battery. If you had more duration you could not get any benefits because you can only get amount of the charge out of the battery
Case 3 4 Hours of Sunlight and 1 Hour of Required Discharge for Lighting – Try More Storage 250 kW Energy 1 MWH Capacity 250 kW Cannot Discharge more than 250 MW of capacity in one hour 1 MW In this case it still does not help to have storage of 4 hours on the battery. You are limited by the rate of discharge in kW.
Case 4 4 Hours of Sunlight and 4 Hours of Required Discharge for Lighting – Try More Storage 250 kW Energy 1 MWH Capacity 250 kW 250 kW 250 kW 250 kW 250 kW 250 kW 250 kW 250 kW Finally, there is a case where the amount of the storage makes a difference. Here, you are storing the solar in a big tank and pumping up the storage until you reach the capacity of the tank. Then you are releasing the energy from the tank. Here the cost per kWh matters and not the cost per kW.
Which would you Rather Have in terms of Cost Now it is the cost per kWh that matters – get enough batteries to meet the discharge requirements.
Case 6 4 Hours of Sunlight and 2 Hours of Required Discharge for Lighting – Limited More Storage 250 kW Energy 1 MWH Capacity 500 kW 500 kW 500 kW Here, there is a case where the amount of the storage makes a difference, but you only need two hours of storage. You are storing the solar in a medium big tank and pumping up the storage until you reach the capacity of the tank. You need capacity of 500 kW and a duration of 2 hours
Case 2 2 Hours of Sunlight and 4 Hours of Required Discharge for Lighting – Limited Storage Energy 1 MWH Capacity 500 kW 500 kW 250 kW 250 kW 250 kW 250 kW Here, there is a case where the amount of the storage makes a difference, but you only need two hours of storage. You are storing the solar in a medium big tank and pumping up the storage until you reach the capacity of the tank. You need capacity of 500 kW and a duration of 2 hours
Conclusion Start with the amount of discharge per hour. Make sure the capacity is high enough to meet the load required. Make sure you have enough added solar capacity to meet the capacity requirement of the battery (including losses as explained below).
Spinning Reserve and Batteries Solar Variation in Different Hours Need to Ramp up the Diesel Plant when the clouds come
Weekly Solar Irriadiation
Reduction in Solar with Spinning Reserve Assume load of 100 MW during the sunlight hours. If require the diesel for spinning reserve, must run the plant at minimum level (e.g. 25%) In this case, should only install 75 MW instead of 100 MW If you have a battery that can deliver 100MW and is charged, this could replace the minimum usage of the diesel plant
Battery Balance Calculation
Setting-up Battery Balance Set up account to track storage and make sure that you cannot store added amounts when the storage capacity is exceeded. Include losses for efficiency. Cannot store more than battery capacity or the maximum amount of storage Cannot discharge more than the amount of the opening balance or the amount of the capacity
Set-up of Battery Balance To understand how batteries work you can set a balance of the amount stored in batteries.
Simple Battery Analysis with Merchant and without Ancillary Services
First, Compute the Total Battery Cost per Day Begin with capital and operating costs. You need the carrying charge for the analysis.
Compute the Net Revenues per Day You can use the merchant price database to find the difference between on-peak and off- peak prices.
Micro-Grid Analysis Part 1: Define Parameters The first part of the micro-grid analysis involves defining parameters similar to those used in evaluating the LCOE.
Put in Capacity and Load Parameters for Different Scenarios Make the model flexible so can increase the amount of solar and battery capacity.
Compute the Total Cost by Adding the Fixed Costs of Solar and Battery to Diesel Cost Use an approach similar to the LCOE to evaluate the total costs including fixed and variable cost.
Presentation of Results Solar and Battery Results – Demonstrate the effect of the load shape and the battery. Solar not coincident with load.
Scenario with Solar Only and Non-coincident Load – Use Much Less Solar Note the should adjust the amount of solar with the spinner box.
Diesel Only Has Higher Cost The case with only diesel has a higher cost.
Ancillary Service and Micro-Grid Think of person running diesel plant. If some clouds come, you cannot suddenly turn on the diesel. If the diesel is running on partial load, the operator can look in the sky and see clouds coming and ramp-up the solar plant If the diesel always has to run at minimum load, less solar should be installed. A battery would solve all of these problems.