How to add and drop classes To add or drop a course, or check course registration information, you can start by clicking on the “My academics” tab of the portal. On that page, you will see a box titled “Registration tools”. Click on “New Add/drop registration” to begin.
If there are problems, it will inform you: Once the next pages opens, you will see a link that says “Register for Classes”. Click on “Register for Classes” to proceed to the course search and registration module. A new dropdown will appear, where you will need to select a term for registration. Type in the box to create a dropdown menu of options. Or, you can type in the term manually, such as “Fall 2016”. Disregard any term that has ‘FST’ in front of it. Once you click continue, if you have any registration holds, a notice will appear in the top right describing each type of hold. In this example, this student has petitioned to graduate or has already graduated so they are unable to continue to register without being re-admitted to USD. Other common holds include: student account holds (for past due balances), advisor holds (to meet with your advisor), and health center holds (for missing immunization records). Check with OneStop to solve the problem.
Browse Classes If you do not have any holds, after selecting a term you will be brought to a page that looks like this. In the box, you can type in the subject and or the course number to begin your search. You can search only by subject, or you can search by subject and course number. If you would like to search multiple subjects you can add those in at the same time and click search.
Adding Courses After clicking search you will be able to see a list of the classes offered, and other important information such as time of the class and who the professor is. Once you decide to add the class, you will click on the “add” button on the right hand side. After you click add, your course will appear in your schedule at the bottom right hand side of the screen. After clicking add, you will still need to choose the correct action and click submit or the course will not be added to your schedule. To drop a class, you will also have to select from the action drop down on your schedule, select web drop, and click submit.
Pending Waitlist Spot Be aware that if it says full, even if it says 1 of a certain amount of seats remaining, it means the course is full. If you hover over the enrollment information a pop-up will appear to show the class enrollment and waitlist information. If one spot shows it may represent a pending spot that has been offered to someone on the wait list. OneStop sees lots of students who come in because they have dropped another course thinking they would be able to add a class like this.
Conditional Add/Drop Another important function of adding and dropping classes is the “conditional” add drop feature. You can activate this feature by clicking the check box before submitting your changes. This feature is useful if you are making many schedule changes at once. A conditional add drop will only allow you to make the changes permanently if all adds and drops are successful. This function prevents you from dropping a class if you do not want to drop unless you are able to add a class in its place. For example if I want to drop History of California only if I can get into Photography, the conditional add/drop button will allow me to retain my place in History of California if my add is unsuccessful for Photography. Please note this feature is to be used when you are performing an add and a drop in the same transaction. For example, if you are attempting to drop Survey of Calculus Section 2, but want to add Survey of Calculus section 3 instead, it is a good idea to use this feature. It will prevent the system from dropping you from your currently enrolled section of Survey of Calculus unless the other section is available and can be successfully added.
How to search for pre-requisites and co-requisites To view pre-requisites, run the course search, begin by clicking on the title of the course. This will open a new window with additional information.
The class details box will show a variety of important information The class details box will show a variety of important information. Click on the tab titled “pre-requisites” to view each required class. In this example, a student who wants to take Psychology 336 must first have completed Psychology 101, Psychology 230, and Psychology 260. If the course is an honors section, this will also appear in the pre-requisites tab under the “test” column.
How to find a class attribute The USD Core curriculum requires students to complete courses to fulfill a diversity requirement, a writing requirement, and a lab. There are a few ways that you can search for classes which will fulfill one of these attributes. Begin by entering the course search. Click on the bottom right link that says “ Advanced Search”. Once you click on this link, new search options will appear. To search only by specific attribute, click on the box next to Attribute and select from the drop down. Then click search at the bottom to view specific courses with that attribute.
With the advanced search, you can search by specific day of week, time, or open sections only. This can be very useful when you are trying to find one last class to fit into your schedule and want to tailor it to your exact preferences. Click search when you have added in all of your preferences and you will be brought to the course search page with a list of classes within that criteria.
One Stop You can contact the One Stop Student Center by accessing our Student Services section of the portal located on the main page under “Torero Hub.” Here you can send an inquiry, check in to the Queueing system, or look up other useful information. There are three ways to get in line to meet with a One Stop representative. You can text univsandiego to 619-356-2275, enter the queue via their website at, or you can check in in person in the office located in the Hahn University Center room 126.