BYOD Bring Your Own Device
What is BYOD? Bring Your Own Device to school is a new program in FCPS. It allows you to bring your own Personally-Owned Device (POD) to school for instructional use in the classroom. Devices may include laptops, tablet computers, smart phones, or other devices appropriate for instructional use.
Instructional Use Approved personal devices may be used in the classroom to assist with educational objectives. Teachers will determine appropriate instructional use in their classroom · The teacher decides what is appropriate instructional use in his or her classroom.
What is meant by instructional use? Instructional use means use in class only with teacher permission. It may include device use for reading, homework, research, and appropriate educational apps/games. Texting, Facebooking, Tweeting, calling, etc. are not permitted.
USE-FREE ZONES DEVICES MAY NOT BE USED IN THE FOLLOWING PLACES: Hallways Locker Pods Cafeteria Locker Rooms Restrooms
How can I get my device approved for use in school? Complete FCPS permission Form, which requires parental permission. An FCPS Approved special sticker will be applied to the registered device to show it is approved.
When can I get my device approved? Device approval will be scheduled by the school technology team.
What do I need to bring to register my device? The permission form can be downloaded from the RCMS website. Both a parent and the student must sign the permission form. The form requires certain data about the device that should be filled in by the parent.
If I bring a device, what are my responsibilities? Follow Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) as when using school computers. Check with the teacher before using any personal device. Lock devices in locker or keep them with you when not in use for instruction. Elementary students are encouraged to use a luggage lock on their backpack to secure their device when not in use. Bring it fully charged.
What about cell phones? Cell phones must be turned off and stored during the school day. Some cell phones are also smart phones that the teacher may decide are appropriate for instructional use. These may be used in class with teacher permission.
If I bring my device, how do I carry it? Students may carry devices in protective sleeves designed for the device. Small mesh or see- through bags will be allowed for carrying devices.
If you bring your device to school, Teachers will not: Support, repair, or troubleshoot devices Store or watch devices for students Require students to load or use particular apps Ask you to share your device with another student
Do I have to bring a Personal Device? No. This is family choice. If technology is required for the activity, it will be provided by the school.
Remember: Bringing a device is a privilege. Register your device and use it properly to keep this privilege.