Help Build Highlands Kenya A PowerPoint by Owen Anderson and Lance Winters
Education in ELUAAI In Eluaai in Africa ,the nearest school is 8 km (5 miles) away. The girls have to do chores before the trek to school. And further more the girls are more further disadvantaged due to the boys are giving first priority when it comes to school supplies and textbooks. Most kids don’t go to school until 10 or 11, but by then it is usually to late. Here, we will show you how many kids go to school in Eluaai.
Number of kids not attending school in eluaai
Ed colina foundation Sometimes money can be scare in Eluaai. Some people can’t afford uniforms , textbooks and other school supplies. And most of the time ,when kids do start school its high school and they get kicked out for lack of education. If you do want to donate to Highlands Kenya , donate to us so we can give the money to Ed Colina. Ed Colina has already made three preschools that are teaching kids in the Nairobi area. Plans are currently underway to begin in January 2013. There’s not much time left so donate soon.
Info about the school eluaai Right now our goal is ton build this school with 1 latrine (1 restroom), 2 new classrooms, and a cook shed. The children will get 1 meal a day. This school will definetly be in operation because most locals indicated willingness to pay 150-200 ksh (the currency around Kenya) in school fees.
Reason to dontae If some children don’t get a education no good jobs will be - available to them. And with no jobs they will just be added to the hungry list! Plus if this keeps happening then were going to have a lot more hungry poor people. 10 children die of hunger or sicknesses related to hunger. At the school they will provide food for the kids. This is a school in Eluaai
Wont you help them. Visit Mr Wont you help them? Visit Mr.Rafferty to learn more about donating to help build Highlands Kenya