Career and Technical Student Organizations CTSO
CTSO Highly develops occupational skills Grows leadership abilities Motivates students Enhances student’s confidence Develops social skills
Structure of CTSO Foundation – Local Chapter CTE Teacher – Advisor Student Officers Local, regional, state and national activities
Finance Membership dues Fundraising School Contributions Support from business and industry Cost of conference attendance
Benefits to Students Professional Development Opportunities CTSO provide venue for hands-on learning Forge partnerships with business, education, labor Career Exploration Travel Instructional materials Encourages parent involvement
An Association of Marketing Students Hospitality Sales Service Marketing Management Entrepreneurship Finance
Champions at Work Represents 130 different occupations Trade Technical Skilled service professions Allied health occupations
Building Strong Leaders for Families, Communities and Careers To create personal growth and Leadership Development through Family and Consumer Sciences Education
Endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education Health Science Education Division of ACTE HOSA's two-fold mission is: Promote career opportunities in the health care industry Enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people.
Dave Aston’s students who competed in the Skills USA Regional Competition Josie Gonzales – Silver Justin Poff – Gold John Harry – Gold Veasna Sim – Gold Taylor Zbrzyski -- Gold