Engendering the Millennium Development Goals Vietnam’s Experience
Presentation overview Role of National Committee for the Advancement of Women (NCFAW) National Strategy for the Advancement of Women in Vietnam Engendering the development goals: The CPRGS (Vietnam PRSP) Some challenges
National machinery NCFAW An sector-wide committee for the advancement of women. Comprised of 18 members who are vice ministers and equivalent of central agencies and mass organizations. Regional CFAWs as a mechanism to institutionalize gender issues at the grassroots level
National strategy National Strategy for the Advancement of Women in Vietnam by 2010 Approved by the Prime Minister in Jan 2002 Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women by 2005 To guide the implementation of the Strategy in the first five years
Engendering the development goals Vietnam Development Goals (VDGs) MDGs tailored to Vietnam’s own conditions Emphasis placed on universalising education and ensuring gender equality and women’s empowerment In most cases, VDGs go further than MDGs, particularly in the area of gender equality Vietnam’s long-standing socialist orientation mean most of the goals that make up the MDGs have been part of our national strategies and plans for many years. The Vietnam Development Goals were formulated to better reflect the precise development situation in Vietnam. Vietnam places particular emphasis on universalising education and ensuring gender equality and women’s empowerment. In most cases, the Vietnam Development Goals go further than the MDGs and incorporate targets for improving gender equality. Example MDG2: Ensure that by 2015 children everywhere, boys and girls alike will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling VDG: Eliminate the gender gap in primary and secondary education by 2005 and the gap with ethnic minorities by 2010. VDG: Increase literacy rates to 95% of women under 40 by 2005 and 100% by 2010.
Engendering the development goals Case study: CPRGS Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy approved by the Prime Minister in May 2002 incorporates the Vietnam Development Goals draws together exisiting national strategies and sector plans into a concrete road map for development The CPRGS draws together exisiting national strategies, including the National Strategy for the Advancement of Women, and sector plans into a concrete road map for development. The goal of gender equality is identified as essential to the overall strategy to promote rapid and sustaintable economic growth coupled with attainment of social progress and equity with an aim to improving the material conditions and quality of life of all population strata; maintain rapid development of the dynamic areas and create favourable conditions for them to achieve high economic growth rates.
Engendering the development goals Case study: CPRGS A participative and collaborative drafting process involving: 17 ministeries/agencies, including NCFAW and VWU consultations with representatives from many local organizations and regional groups. input from World Bank, UNDP and other donors Discuss some examples of how NCFAW was able to ensure gender issues were given priority in the drafting process.
Engendering the development goals Case study: CPRGS “In terms of gender integration, it can be said that CPRGS is the best policy document that is not prepared mainly by VWU or NCFAW”. Vietnam’s commitment to gender equality under the CPRGS is being used as a model for the region “In terms of gender integration, it can be said that CPRGS is the best policy document that is not prepared mainly by VWU or NCFAW”. Conclusion of CPRGS: A Gender Analysis carried out by idependent consultants with funding from Netherlands Embassy. However, the analysis also reveals that many of the issues mentioned in the CPRGS are women-focussed issues in the traditional areas of women’s advancement, education and health priorities rather than gender-focussed issues.
Some challenges Enforcement of targets Lack of capacity Monitoring need for training on how to implement strategies, eg gender mainstreaming Monitoring lack of sex-disaggregated data national data masks regional disparities