Masangkay, Chrissie Mae Canines Javier, Timothy Gacula, Jan Ikah Masangkay, Chrissie Mae Pastores, Reginal
“Cornerstones” of the dental arches. “Canine guidance” Their shape & position contribute to the guidance of the teeth to the intercuspal position. “Canine eminence” is the elevated bone ridge over the labial portion of the roots. It provides the natural facial expression. Shape & position of canines promotes self cleanliness.
Function of canine Function of Canines Support Canine eminence- gives labial Cutting & tearing
CHRONOLOGY Appearance of dental organ 5 m.i.u. Beginning of calcification 4-5 months Completed crown 6-7 years Eruption 11-12 years Completed root 13-15 years
Outline Shape Crowns as wide as they are long. Constricted at cervix Convex mesial and distal outlines Distal contours more broadly rounded Mesial contours somewhat angular
Cusp Ridge Outline Cusp very sharp (pointed) 2 cusp ridges meeting at an acute angle Mesial cusp slopes longer and is flat to concave Distal cusp shorter
Contact Areas Distal contact areas rest against mesial surfaces of primary molars. Mesial and distal contact areas near the center of crown cervicoincisally Mesial contact more cervically located
Roots Longest of the primary teeth Blunt apex Bulky in cervical and middle thirds. Tapers in apical third bending labially.
Lingual Cingulum- bulky Well-developed mesial and distal marginal ridges. Lingual ridge distal to the middle of the crown. Distal fossae narrower and deeper. Mesial fossae broader and shallower
Proximal Cervical third thicker than on incisors. Cusp tip labial to root axis. Labial cervical ridges prominent. Triangular outline Greater faciolingual measurement than crown of an incisor Height of contour of both facial and lingual in cervical third Convex cingulum Curvature of CEJ greater on mesial than distal
Incisal Crown - contours are angular tapers toward cingulum, mesial half thicker faciolingually than the dustal half cingulum centered mesiodistally. Marked convexity of cingulum Mesial surface smoothly convex Distal surface more acute
CHRONOLOGY Appearance of dental organ 5 m.i.u. Beginning of calcification 4-5 years Completed crown 6-7 years Eruption 9-10 years Completed root 12-14 years
Outline Shape Flat mesial crown outline. Crowns longer incisocervically than wide mesiodistally. 1.3 mm narrower mesiodistally than maxillary canine.
Cusp Ridge Outline Sharp cusp tips pointed like an arrow towards mesial Short mesial cusp arm Shorter mesial cusp slope.
Contact Areas Contact areas in incisal one third. Distal contact is more cervical than mesial.
Roots More tapered and pointed 1.8mm shorter than maxillary canine roots. Less labial root bend (apical third)
Lingual Cingulum distally located Lingual ridges barely discernible Faint marginal ridges Usually with a single concavity or fossa
Proximal Cervical third of primary canines is much thicker than on incisors Cusp tip often slightly lingual to root axis line. Labial cervical ridges are prominent Cusp tip toward mesial
Incisal View Crown – have a diamond shape Nearly symmetrical except mesial position of cusp tips which appear to have slightly more bulk in distal half. Cingulum centered or just distal to center.