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Presentation transcript:


Background Viet Minh – North Vietnam Led by Ho Chi Minh U.S. - Support South Vietnam Vietcong (VC) Communist group in the South Supported by Ho Chi Minh

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Lyndon B. Johnson Alleged attacks on US ships Does NOT declare war but gives Johnson military power in Vietnam

Protests Against the War Doves vs. Hawks Demonstrations Unpopular War More troops = more casualties Don’t know why we are there. 1st televised war—horrific images

Draft Resistance Ways out stay in college Medical exemptions National Guard or Coast Guard Burned draft cards Fled to Canada, hid, refused to register

Kent State University – 5/4/1970 Student war protests Burned the ROTC building Ohio National Guard kills 4 students

Draft Protests Protest Video

Types of Warfare Guerilla Use land mines/booby traps/hid in tunnels & bunkers—ambush Napalm – set fire to jungle Agent Orange – leaf killing chemical Both wound civilians Helicopter War - Huey


Ho Chi Minh Trail Secret weapon N & S paths through Laos and Cambodia Supplies troops

Troop Morale Sinking fast Turned to: Murder superior officers alcohol marijuana other drugs Murder superior officers

Troop Details Clip

My Lai Massacre 500 innocent women and children killed Lt. Calley court martialed Put in jail My Lai

Nixon Elected - 1968 Plan - Vietnamization Summer 1969 – begins troop pull out 3 years – 500,000 down to 25,000

War Ends…Finally…Or does it?? Jan. 1973 – agreement signed (North troops stay in South) March 1973 – last US troops leave March 1975 – North Vietnamese attack Saigon We send aid, NO TROOPS!! April 1975 – South Vietnam surrenders

Totals 58,000 – US killed 303,000 – US wounded Over 2 million – Vietnamese killed

Veterans 15% - post traumatic stress disorder Nightmares Drugs Alcohol Suicide Experienced hostility when they got home

Pictures Vietnam Pictures