Lesson Objectives Aims You should be able to: Investigate and discuss the cultural impact of technology on society Investigate and discuss the impact technology has had on privacy
Cultural impact 1940’s – best tech – the radio. Families spending time together, socialising in person
1960’s – Bit of TV, not on all the time, still socialising in person…
1980’s – computers. Amazing, magical things 1980’s – computers! Amazing, magical things. People continue to socialise in person, kids get a bit more anti social if they’re rich and can afford a walkman
1990’s – Gaming!! Terrible jumpers, but kids are still in the same room, still being sociable!
Now – Ignore each other!! Message the person next to you on social media!
Ok, so it’s a flippant example, but technology has changed us culturally in huge ways Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad
Cultural impact Some good… Internet allows us to share things… keep in touch see things we may never have seen before learn things in incredible ways share knowledge access the greatest source of information in history doesn’t discriminate between class/race/socio economic groups
Some bad We can now be lazier than ever before People are moving around much less Machines do manual labour (meaning we’re less fit) No need to even visit a shop! Less social/more anti social behaviour
Privacy This move towards technology being embedded in our day to day lives has eroded our privacy More than ever companies have access to our lifestyles, information and personal data
Examples Tesco Club Card Tailored advertisements (Sky TV, Amazon, Facebook) GPS tracking on phones (Google keeps a history of where you go if you allow it) Signing up to websites – sharing personal data with far more companies than ever before
Every time you sign up you agree to relinquish your privacy for: Free access to things? Targeted promotions Special offers But your data is worth more than this to a company… that’s why they can afford to give you free stuff – nothing is really free!
As before, there’s no escaping research in this unit. Task As before, there’s no escaping research in this unit. Pick either cultural impacts or privacy and: Find at least 5 articles on the subject Summarise the key points of each and reference your sources Be prepared to share this with the class Try to find as interesting information as possible!