I. A Brief History of Life II. Classifying Life The Diversity of Life I. A Brief History of Life II. Classifying Life III. The Prokaryote Domains: Bacteria and Archaea IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 1. Green algal ancestors
I. A Brief History of Life II. Classifying Life The Diversity of Life I. A Brief History of Life II. Classifying Life III. The Prokaryote Domains: Bacteria and Archaea IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 1. Green algal ancestors Alternation of generation
Aquatic Habitats Terrestrial Water available Desiccating IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 1. Green algal ancestors 2. Colonization of Land: Environmental Differences Aquatic Habitats Terrestrial Water available Desiccating Sunlight absorbed Sunlight available Nutrients at Depth Nutrients available Buoyant Less Supportive Low oxygen High O2 CO2 diffuses slowly CO2 diffuses quickly
IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 1. Green algal ancestors 2. Colonization of Land: Environmental Differences 3. Plant Evolution – Adapting to Land
IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 1. Green algal ancestors 2. Colonization of Land: Environmental Differences 3. Plant Evolution – Adapting to Land 4. “Non-tracheophytes” a. Groups i. Liverworts ii. Hornworts iii. Mosses http://taggart.glg.msu.edu/bot335/bryo.htm http://www.biologyjunction.com/plant_taxonomy_bi.htm http://www.bio.miami.edu/dana/226/226F08_14print.html
IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 1. Green algal ancestors 2. Colonization of Land: Environmental Differences 3. Plant Evolution – Adapting to Land 4. “Non-tracheophytes” a. Groups b. Characteristics - lack vascular tissues (xylem and phloem) - inefficient water transport - short - lack true organs (defined by the presence of vascular tissue) - some have a very thin waxy cuticle - some have stomates http://www.brynmawr.edu/biology/franklin/Bio103Key.htm
IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 4. “Non-tracheophytes” a. Groups b. Characteristics - release flagellated sperm directly into the environment - have a dominant gametophyte generation, and a short-lived, ephemeral sporophyte http://ux.brookdalecc.edu/fac/biology/lab/102/lab22.html
Liverwort spores from Argentina, 470 mya IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 4. “Non-tracheophytes” a. Groups b. Characteristics c. History Liverwort spores from Argentina, 470 mya Rubinstein, et. al. 2010. Early Middle Ordovician evidence for land plants in Argentina (eastern Gondwana). New Phytologist 188: 365-369 http://hudsonvalleygeologist.blogspot.com/2010/10/oldest-land-plants.html http://mediatheek.thinkquest.nl/~ll125/en/life-3.htm
IV. The Domain Eukarya Vascular tissue: Xylem: water up D. Plants: 4. “Non-tracheophytes” 5. Tracheophytes a. Characteristics Vascular tissue: http://manravbioeducation.blogspot.com/2007/08/transport-of-materials-in-plants.html Xylem: water up Phloem: sugars down
IV. The Domain Eukarya Vascular tissue: Xylem: water up D. Plants: 4. “Non-tracheophytes” 5. Tracheophytes a. Characteristics Vascular tissue: http://manravbioeducation.blogspot.com/2007/08/transport-of-materials-in-plants.html Xylem: water up Phloem: sugars down
IV. The Domain Eukarya Dominant Sporophyte D. Plants: 4. “Non-tracheophytes” 5. Tracheophytes a. Characteristics Dominant Sporophyte http://www.plantbiology.siu.edu/plb304/lecture07pterid/ferns.html
IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 4. Non-tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes http://mediatheek.thinkquest.nl/~ll125/en/life-3.htm http://universe-review.ca/R10-23-plants.htm
IV. The Domain Eukarya Barangwanathia – 420 mya D. Plants: 4. Non-tracheophytes 5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes Barangwanathia – 420 mya http://www.geol.umd.edu/~tholtz/G102/102mpal2.htm Lepidodendron was a canopy species (100 ft tall, 3ft in diameter) in the Carboniferous Period (360-300 mya); ferns and other Lycophytes were in the understory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Meyers_b15_s0272b.jpg
Selaginella, a “Spikemoss” IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 4. Non-tracheophytes 5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes Lycopodium, a “Clubmoss” http://mygarden.uphero.com/ferns06.htm Isoetes, a “quillwort” http://ashscience7.wikispaces.com/Plant+Classification
IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 4. Non-tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes
IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 4. “Non-tracheophytes” b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes: (one vein per leaf ) ii. Euphyllophytes: (multiple veins per leaf) http://www.doctortee.com/dsu/tiftickjian/bio101/lvps.html
IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 4. “Non-tracheophytes” b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes - Characteristics: Vascular (tracheophytes) with true leaves (euphyllophytes) Most release spores to the environment from sporangia Have swimming sperm Do NOT have seeds (distinguishing them from the other major clade within the euphyllophytes, the spermatophytes)
IV. The Domain Eukarya Polypodiales Cyatheales Salvinales Osmundales D. Plants: 4. “Non-tracheophytes” 5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes - Diversity Polypodiales Cyatheales Salvinales Osmundales Equisitales Psilotales Ophioglossales
IV. The Domain Eukarya D. Plants: 4. “Non-tracheophytes” b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes - Diversity - Life Cycle http://www.uic.edu/classes/bios/bios100/summer2003/fernlifecycle.htm http://www.science-art.com/image/?id=3553&search=1&pagename=fern_life_cycle
- Evolutionary History Evolve during the Devonian 5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes - Evolutionary History Evolve during the Devonian http://universe-review.ca/R10-23-plants.htm
- Radiate and Diversify during the Carboniferous, with Lycopodiophytes 5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes - Radiate and Diversify during the Carboniferous, with Lycopodiophytes http://www.wemyss.ukfossils.co.uk/Wemyss-Fossils-Geology/geology-guide.htm
5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes Sequestration of cellulose (carbon in sediments caused CO2 concentration to drop; oxygen rose as photosynthesis > respiration http://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=34345&start=50
The unification of Pangaea during the Permian dried the climate 5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes The unification of Pangaea during the Permian dried the climate http://www.texas-geology.com/Texas%20Post%20Triassic%20Dinosaurs.html
5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes iii. Gymnosperms Giving an edge to organisms that had finally cut ties with aquatic habitats: the gymnosperms and reptiles http://www.search4dinosaurs.com/carr_Permian_riverside.html
Seed coat – original sporophyte ovule Endosperm – haploid gametophyte 5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes iii. Gymnosperms - characteristics Seeds: seeds evolved in ancestral progymnosperms and “seed ferns”. Dispersal phase of life cycle is bigger and fortified with nutrients, increasing the probability of survival of the diploid embryo. Seed coat – original sporophyte ovule Endosperm – haploid gametophyte Embryo – new sporophyte generation http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/courses/botany_130/Diversity/plants/Vascular_Plants/Coniferophyta/images/
5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes iii. Gymnosperms - characteristics Pollen: the male gametophyte carries sperm to the egg; no more swimming sperm and need for surface water! (in most gymnosperms) http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/webb/bot201/conifers/conifer_lecture.htm http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisashurst/4630312934/
Common Conifers: Pines Spruce Fir Hemlock Conifers* Cedars Cypress 5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes iii. Gymnosperms - Diversity Common Conifers: Pines Spruce Fir Hemlock Cedars Cypress Yew Larch Redwood Conifers* http://sorokaapbio1011.blogspot.com/ Gnetales http://dbpedia.neofonie.de/browse/rdf-type:Plant/rdf-type:Gnetophytes/ Ginkgo Cycads http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/seedplants/ginkgoales/ginkgo.html http://www.moplants.com/blog/?p=1077
Pines Yews Spruce Fir Redwoods Sequoia Cypress Hemlock Cedar Juniper 5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes iii. Gymnosperms - Diversity Pines Yews Spruce Fir Redwoods Sequoia Cypress Hemlock Cedar Juniper Larch Conifers The dominant group of gymnosperms today, with about 600 of the 900 gymnosperm species. Both pollen and ovules borne in cones. Representatives include the largest and longest lived plants on earth.
5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes iii. Gymnosperms - Life cycle http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/webb/bot201/conifers/MicroGameto240Lab.jpg
Still dominate in harsh, dry, or cold environments http://longleafs.info/pages/ecosystem.html http://www.ontariossunsetcountry.ca/category.cfm/code/300/tbid/1 http://friendsoftheinyo.org/cms/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=11&Itemid=4
5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes iii. Gymnosperms iv. Angiosperms - characteristics Flower: leaf-like whorls fulfill different functions. Collectively, the ancestral adaptive value was to attract animal pollinators. http://kvhs.nbed.nb.ca/gallant/biology/biology.html
Pollinators forage non-randomly, and they can learn Pollinators forage non-randomly, and they can learn. So, by bribing pollinators with nectar, and advertising the location with large colorful petals, pollinators learn to visit flowers for food – and they “trapline”, going from flower to flower. Pollen transport is much more efficient than wind dispersal; less pollen is needed (but there are additional costs of flower ad nectar production.
Flowers can evolve to limit pollination to a particular type (or even species) of pollinator. Flies are attracted to flowers that smell like carrion. This increases the chance that the NEXT flower the pollinator visits will be a member of the same plant species. Hummingbirds are attracted to red tubular flowers, where the nectar is too deep for most insects to reach
Flowers can evolve to limit pollination to a particular type (or even species) of pollinator. Butterfly flowers offer a place to stand and probe many flowers from one place Many bat flowers are large, to receive the head of the bat. White is common for these flowers that open at night.
Flowers can evolve to limit pollination to a particular type (or even species) of pollinator. Orchids are one of the most derived groups of plants, and they show the most specialized flowers
In some flowering plants, the flowers have become very reduced – they no longer attract pollinators – the plants have returned to a wind-pollinated lifestyle. Oak flowers Ragweed flowers
5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes iii. Gymnosperms iv. Angiosperms - characteristics Fruit: modification to ovary tissue (typically) to attract animals to consume fruit and disperse seeds. http://technabob.com/blog/2008/03/07/edible-apple-logo-reminds-me-of-the-fruit-salad-days/ http://sharon-taxonomy2010-p2.wikispaces.com/Angiosperms
Plants with dry, wind dispersed seeds are more common in fields, or in canopy trees. Fleshy fruits dispersed by animals are more common in forest understory and forest edges, where animals are more common.
5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes iii. Gymnosperms iv. Angiosperms - characteristics - life cycle http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/s2009/herman_jaci/Reproduction.htm
- diversity (90% of plant species) 5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes iii. Gymnosperms iv. Angiosperms - characteristics - life cycle - diversity (90% of plant species) http://www.flickr.com/photos/colbugspotter/3373136155/ http://www.hiltonpond.org/ThisWeek040622.html http://www.humanflowerproject.com/index.php/weblog/2006/01/P8/ http://thebathduck.wordpress.com/category/garden/
5. Tracheophytes b. Groups i. Lycopodiophytes ii. Monilophytes iii. Gymnosperms iv. Angiosperms - characteristics - life cycle - diversity (90% of plant species)
Amborella – the most primitive flowering plant, of New Caledonia Nymphaea – water lilies Magnoliids - ~9000 sp of Magnolias, Laurels, Black Pepper, Nutmeg…
Monocots – ~60,000 species of grasses, grains, palms, bamboos, lilies, irises, orchids, tulips, etc.
Eudicots – over 200,000 species Eudicots – over 200,000 species! From vegetables to roses, trees (that aren’t gymnosperms, palms or Magnolias), asters, etc.
5. Tracheophytes 6. Summary Algae – aquatic non-tracheophytes: cuticle Lycopodiophytes: vascular tissue and dominance of the sporophyte (tall) Monilophytes: true leaves Gymnosperms: Seeds and pollen Angiosperms: Flowers and fruit