•. Construction means. making a drawing or. design using mathematical • Construction means making a drawing or design using mathematical tools.
Classical Constructions Since ancient times, people have looked at what constructions can be made using only a compass and an unmarked straightedge.
Classical constructions were basically the brain-teasers of the ancient world. • The challenge was to create a construction and then explain why it worked.
Constructions were also used to make designs such as the patterns found in the windows of European cathedrals.
Today we study constructions for their historical value and because it teaches us to think through steps logically.
We’re going to start by looking at four basic constructions: We’re going to start by looking at four basic constructions: Congruent segment Congruent angle Angle bisector Perpendicular bisectors of segment
Congruent Segment
C o n g r u e n t Angle
Angle Bisector
PERPENDICULAR. Lines are perpendicular. if and only if PERPENDICULAR Lines are perpendicular if and only if they meet to form a right angle.
The symbol for perpendicular is .
A perpendicular bisector is a line perpendicular to a segment that goes through the midpoint of the segment.
Constructing a perpendicular bisector
Remember … Construction Compass Straightedge Perpendicular