Darlene Burton, IMSG, darlene.burton@hqda.army.mil/ (703) 602-2195 Title 31 May 2007 TITLE 31 May 2007 Our Mission: To provide the Army the installation capabilities and services to support expeditionary operations in a time of persistent conflict, and to provide a quality of life for Soldiers and Families commensurate with their service. Leading Change for Installation Excellence Darlene Burton, IMSG, darlene.burton@hqda.army.mil/ (703) 602-2195
TABLE OF CONTENTS Slide Rules Building the IMCOM Basic Brief General IMCOM Briefing Template
World Time Zone (R=Eastern STANDARD Time) Slide Data Format Title of each slide (except Title Slide) in this location – this automatically formats and centers for 1 or 2 lines On all slides—the subject title of the briefing so that if a page becomes separated it can be referenced back to the appropriate briefing World Time Zone (R=Eastern STANDARD Time) Year DTG—Date-Time Group: ddhhmmzMMMyyyy Example: 010800RMAR2005 Day Month Time Last Revised Except for the Slide Title and Slide Content, all of this information is changed in the Master Slides. Select VIEW/SLIDE MASTER and be sure to scroll down to change the Title Slide Master, too. Date-Time-Group (DTG) so that there is no doubt what version of a presentation is the most current. Includes the date and time when the brief was LAST REVISED—this includes the World Time Zone—we are a worldwide Army and local times could be confused if used alone Name of the person doing the briefing and the contact information in the event later on someone has a need to ask a question about the briefing – use AKO E-mail address when available Slide # of # of slides so that slides can be identified and if the packet is dropped it can be reassembled in proper order with no slide missing Be sure to add Classification
SLIDE RULES – Continuation pages Always Arial font Font size no larger than 24 point Bullet and font color black Bullet size, 100% Sub Bullets Sub bullets use a dash Text is 2 font sizes smaller Sub bullet and text in black Indent using arrow buttons on toolbar Sub bullet size, 100% The bottom of each slide must contain the briefer name, office symbol, e-mail address and telephone; slide number and date time group.
GENERAL Always build your briefing based on latest slides in the “basic brief”. Don’t depend on your old briefings to be up to date! FY04, not FY 04, G1, not G 1 Spell out all acronyms Make sure margins line up perfectly Use Spell Check liberally Line spacing – lines that are close together are hard to read! Lines of text within bullets should be ended early by holding down the SHIFT key, then RETURN – the line will wrap and align automatically without creating a new bullet, like this Otherwise, do not use the RETURN key except at the end of a bullet – text will wrap and font size will adjust automatically within all bullets, appearance is enhanced Use multiple slides to avoid crowding of bullets
GENERAL Bullets should not be sentences - “topical” - not whole story and generally no periods (.) Use small (s) for plural when using upper case, e.g. acronyms - MACOMs Be Brief Always use Arial font! Eliminate superfluous words like “a” and “the” Pictures, graphics - use only to enhance understanding of message Briefing copies always B&W - color for special audiences
IMCOM BRIEFING TEMPLATE If building a new brief from scratch Go to J Drive/Briefings/Basic/IMCOMBasic Brief/IMCOM Slide Master-NOV 06, if at HQIMA (Template contains the Title Slide, Content Slide and end of briefing slide). Rename the template and save it as your own presentation. Briefing is also on AKO When using the Title Slide you must go to View/Master/Slide Master to do any updates to the page number, date time group, name of person briefing, and subject of briefing. Making a change here will translate to the slides that follow.
BUILDING THE IMCOM BASIC BRIEF Using slides from the IMCOM Basic Brief The IMCOM Basic Brief or the “Command Brief” is the foundation of any briefing you build because it contains the latest updates. Pick and choose the slides you need to satisfy your briefing requirements. The Basic Brief is located on the J Drive/Briefings/IMCOM Basic Brief/IMCOM Slide Master- NOV 06 and is available to the Regions. It is also posted on AKO.
INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND END OF BRIEF INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND “Sustain, Support and Defend” “Sustain, Support, and Defend” is the motto for the new IMA