D&T Haslingden High School D&T Faculty Yr 7 Systems HOMEWORK 2016-2017 This booklet should take approximately 4-5 hours to complete Name: ____________________________________ Form: _____________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________ Given: ____________ Hand in:_________________ Grade ____________Effort ___________________ Haslingden High School D&T Faculty Yr 7 Systems HOMEWORK 2016-2017 D&T Parent / carer comment: Target: Comment:
Task 1 Name of app:________________________________ In todays fast moving technological environment the latest and fastest way for companies to reach their market is through the hugely popular app craze. Smartphones use these apps as easy ways for users to keep in touch with their favourite companies, hobbies and interests. Apps certainly seem to be ‘the future’. It is therefore imperative that companies make their apps stylish, eye catching and simplistic in order to make them immediately recognisable and appealing to customers. Your first task is to identify some well known and recognisable apps, explain what the company that makes the app does & describe how the design of the app (shapes/colours/font/logo) makes it stand out. Name of app:________________________________ Purpose of app:______________________________ ___________________________________________ Why design of app stands out:__________________ Name of app:________________________________ Purpose of app:______________________________ ___________________________________________ Why design of app stands out:__________________ Name of app:________________________________ Purpose of app:______________________________ ___________________________________________ Why design of app stands out:__________________ Name of app:________________________________ Purpose of app:______________________________ ___________________________________________ Why design of app stands out:__________________ Name of app:________________________________ Purpose of app:______________________________ ___________________________________________ Why design of app stands out:__________________ Name of app:________________________________ Purpose of app:______________________________ ___________________________________________ Why design of app stands out:__________________ Name of app:________________________________ Purpose of app:______________________________ ___________________________________________ Why design of app stands out:__________________ Name of app:________________________________ Purpose of app:______________________________ ___________________________________________ Why design of app stands out:__________________ Level: Effort:
Task 2 Most of us use apps in some way or another now. Whether its to play games, to keep in touch via social networking sites, to buy things online, or to keep updated with events/news. Every couple of months the companies update these apps, and the updates usually include a redesign of the app icon. Your next task is to decide on two of your favourite apps. You can choose any two apps that you want. You will then draw these apps (using colour) into the two boxes below. (You could print them off and stick them in instead if you have a colour printer). Following that, your task is to redesign/develop an updated version of each app logo. Remember keep them simple bold and eye-catching. Use colour. Twitter recently updated their logo making it simpler and bolder by using fewer colours and incorporating their logo rather than a letter. They have used a darker blue to make the white logo stand out. How I have made the app more effective: _________________________ ___________________________________________________________ How I have made the app more effective: _________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Level: Effort:
Task 3 Now that you have had a go at developing some existing app designs; you are going to take it one step further and design your own company and its app icon. You are going to need to think of what your company will do. For example: Facebook – allows people to keep in touch through users creating profiles, adding friends and posting pictures and status updates. Twitter – allows users to see what their favourite celebs are doing on a day to day basis. Just Eat – allows users to order takeaways from a variety of local restaurants. Sky Plus – allows users to record their favourite TV programs from their phone. Your company/app can do anything you want it to. The choice is yours. What have you always wanted an app to do? Hopefully you can come up with a creative idea. Once you have an idea, you should come up with a company name. Once you have the idea and the name you can begin designing your app. My app icon My company name: ___________________________________________ What my company and app will do: ______________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Level: Effort:
Task 4 So, by now you have come up with an amazing idea for an app. You have explained what it will do, and you have designed a really eye catching app icon for it! Great! Well done. Now, for your final task you are going to need to think about how the interface will work when you open up the app. All apps have their own style of interface. The interface is how it looks, and what buttons it has when you open it up by pressing the icon. Some apps have a log in screen where you have to enter details, some apps let you go straight to the home screen. It is completely up to you how you design yours, but however you do it, you will need to make it easy to use, aesthetically pleasing (eye catching) and branded with your app logo. In the spaces below I would like you to design two screens for your app. One will be the home screen, the other is your choice, it could be a log in screen or something different to do with the app. Its up to you. Below are some examples of home screens to give you inspiration. Home screen Other Level: Effort:
Self Assessment Spend some time thinking about the tasks you have completed reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses. Give your work a grade, using the following guidelines: 1= Much more improvement needed - 5= Excellent Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 I spent appropriate time on the work I have attempted all the tasks to the best of my ability I planned my work carefully and spread the tasks out over the week I asked for help I checked my work carefully before handing it in What part did you ENJOY completing the most and why?__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe ONE thing you could do in future that would improve the quality of your work _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe one thing that you have done that you are pleased with in this booklet. ______________________________________________________