Los sustantivos (Nouns) Number, gender, articles, noun/adjective agreement.
Los sustantivos/Nouns Number: from singular to plural Gender of nouns: feminine and masculine Definite articles: el, la, los, las Indefinite articles: un, una, unos, unas Nouns and adjectives agreement
In Spanish, we form the plural of a noun by following the following rules:
Change the classroom nouns from singular to plural.
The-article (artículo) Table-noun (sustantivo) Is-verb (verbo) Parts of speech The table is brown. The-article (artículo) Table-noun (sustantivo) Is-verb (verbo) Brown-adjective (adjetivo)
Articles An article in all languages is a part of speech. These are important words that often go before nouns and in English are the words the, a, an and some. We divide articles into two different categories called definite and indefinite articles.
Definite Articles: (The) A definite article refers to a more specific noun and is the word “the” in English. If you think about it, when you say, “the pen” or “the pens” you are referring to a specific pen or specific pens. Not just any old pen.
Write: el, la, los, or las
Nouns and Adjectives Agreement