Review of 3rd Declension and (3rd Declension “i” stem Nouns) 3rd 3rd 3rd Mas. Fem. Neu. Nom. -- -- -- (e,al,ar) Gen. is is is Dat. i i i Acc. em em -- (e,al,ar) Abl. e e e (i) Nom. es es a (ia) Gen. um (ium) um (ium) um (ium) Dat. ibus ibus ibus Acc. es es a (ia) Abl. ibus ibus ibus
Masculine and Feminine “i” stem Nouns (Page 127) 1. Nouns whose nominative ends in -is or -es not increasing in the genitive, that is, having no more syllables in the genitive than in the nominative case singular: civis civis m. citizen, (gen. pl., civium) and caedes caedis f. slaughter, (gen. pl. caedium). 2. Nouns whose nominative ends in -ns and -rs: cliens clientis m. client, (gen. pl., clientium), and cohors cohortis. f. cohort, (gen. pl., cohortium). 3. Monosyllables ending in -s or -x whose base ends in two consonants: urbs urbis f. city, (gen. pl., urbium); nox noctis f. night (gen. pl., noctium). 4. Neuters in -e, -al, -ar: mare maris n. sea, (gen. pl., marium).
Decline and Translate long ship. longa = longus longa longum ship = navis navis f. Nom. navis longa the long ship Gen. navis longae of the long ship Dat. navi longae to/for long ship Acc. navem longam the long ship Abl. nave longa with, by, from the long ship Nom. naves longae the long ships Gen. navium longarum of the long ships Dat. navibus longis to/for the long ships Acc. naves longas the long ships Abl. navibus longis with, by, from the long ships
Decline and Translate wide sea. wide = latus lata latum sea = mare maris n. Nom. mare latum the wide sea Gen. maris lati of the wide sea Dat. mari lato to/for the wide sea Acc. mare latum the wide sea Abl. mari lato with, by, from the wide sea Nom. maria lata the wide seas Gen. marium latorum of the wide seas Dat. maribus latis to/for the wide seas Acc. maria lata the wide seas Abl. maribus latis with, by, from the wide seas