Latin Grammar Review
Noun and Adjective Phrases 3rd Declension Nouns and 1st/2nd Declension Adjectives
Neuter Noun (3rd Declension) & Neuter Adjective (2nd Declension) Nom. Sing. nomen meum my name Gen. Sing. nominis mei of my name Dat. Sing. nomini meo to/for my name Acc. Sing. Abl. Sing. nomine meo with my name Nom. Pl. nomina mea my names Gen. Pl. nominum meorum of my names Dat. Pl. nominibus meis to/for my names Acc. Pl. Abl. Pl. with my names
Feminine Noun (3rd Declension) & Feminine Adjective (1st Declension) Nom. Sing. uxor nova new wife Gen. Sing. uxoris novae of the new wife Dat. Sing. uxori novae to/for a new wife Acc. Sing. uxorem novem Abl. Sing. uxore novā with the new wife Nom. Pl. uxores novae new wives Gen. Pl. uxorum novarum of the new wives Dat. Pl. uxoribus novis to/for new wives Acc. Pl. uxores novas Abl. Pl. with the new wives
Masculine Noun (3rd Declension) & Masculine Adjective (2nd Declension) Nom. Sing. labor noster our work Gen. Sing. laboris nostri of our work Dat. Sing. labori nostro to/for our work Acc. Sing. laborem nostrum Abl. Sing. labore nostro with our work Nom. Pl. labores nostri our works Gen. Pl. laborum nostrorum of our works Dat. Pl. laboribus nostris to/for our works Acc. Pl. labores nostros Abl. Pl. with our works