اسم تَصغِير Lesson26-Madinah Arabic Book 2 Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
وَلَدٌ عَبدٌ ظَهرٌ جَبلٌ نَهرٌ قَلبٌ حَسَنٌ ابنٌ رَجْلٌ وُلَيْدٌ وَلَدٌ عَبدٌ ظَهرٌ جَبلٌ نَهرٌ قَلبٌ حَسَنٌ ابنٌ رَجْلٌ اسمٌ تَصغِيرٌ عُبَيدٌ ظُهَيرٌ Diminutive Noun Form فُعَيلٌ جُبَيلٌ نُهَيرٌ This pattern is only used with three letter, nouns. These nouns indicate smallness, amazement or humiliation. قُلَيْبٌ حُسَينٌ بُنَينٌ رُجَيلٌ Lesson26-Madinah Arabic Book 2 Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
If the noun has four letters or more the letter after “ya” is given a kasrah, For example: دِرهَم --- دُرَيهِمٌ if the noun ends in ta marbutah/feminine ta or the noun is a proper noun that ends with “alif” and ”nun”, the letter after “ya” gets a fatha. for example: مَهرَةٌ --- مُهَيرَةٌ سَلمَانُ --- سُلَيْمَانُ Lesson26-Madinah Arabic Book 2 Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
وَلَدٌ عَبدٌ ظَهرٌ جَبلٌ نَهرٌ قَلبٌ حَسَنٌ ابنٌ رَجْلٌ اسمٌ تَصغِيرٌ Diminutive Noun Form فُعَيلٌ This pattern is only used with _______________, nouns. These nouns indicate ____________, ___________ or ____________ Lesson26-Madinah Arabic Book 2 Happy Land for Islamic Teachings