#SPSCPT Mobile Apps & Services for the Digital Workplace 22 October 2016 Cape Town, SA Patrick Hosch #SPSCPT
House Keeping Hashtag #SPSCPT Prizes are at the end Make sure your cards are stamped SharePint for everyone after prizes – Bossa Tygervalley Podcast and Live Streaming via 2GuysAndSharePoint
http://www.projectpoint.at @patrickhosch Link here Lead Technical Evangelist - EMEA 9+ years SharePoint & Nintex Consultant & Practice Lead Travel, Tough Mudder & Skiing http://www.projectpoint.at @patrickhosch https://uk.linkedin.com/in/patrickhosch Link here
http://www.projectpoint.at @patrickhosch Link here Lead Technical Evangelist - EMEA 9+ years SharePoint & Nintex Consultant & Practice Lead Travel, Tough Mudder & Skiing http://www.projectpoint.at @patrickhosch https://uk.linkedin.com/in/patrickhosch Link here
WHY SHOULD A BUSINESS CARE? Attracting talent Employee productivity Employee satisfaction Retention of employees Communication tools Why should you as a manager, business owner, etc care? 5 simple reasons Attracting talent. 64% of employees would choose a lower paying job if they could work away from the office Employee productivity. Organizations with strong online social networks are 7% more productive compared to organizations without Employee satisfaction. Organizations that rolled out and installed social media tools internally found that there was a 20% increase in employee satisfaction. Retention of employees. When employee engagement goes up, there is a corresponding increase in employee retention of up to 78%. Communication tools. Present day workers prefer newer communication tools specifically instant messaging as compared to “traditional” tools like e-mail or team workspaces.
WHY SHOULD YOU CARE? Why should you personally care? 2 simple reasons. Who is attending the conference AND has to work? How many of you go on holiday without actually going on a holiday? Stay on top of things via mobile phones, social media, cloud storage? Working from home or wherever you are is more important than ever. Looking after a sick family member, while still being able to stay in touch with the workplace, or….simply relaxing at home while pretending to work and being online on Skype. But that’s not all. Change ahead. In todays SASS world change is happening almost every minute. The app you used today, is outdated tomorrow. Staying ahead of the competition is vital. Making the most of the constant stream of information, informed decisions and adopting to market needs that are ever changing. It’s not just your job that is on the line or the future of your company. The digitial workplace is an enabler to enjoy a more social and better balanced lifestyle. Working on your own terms. THAT is why you should care. In todays session we’ll explore what the digital workplace means and how Microsoft’s ecosystem can support you in your quest to conquer the digital workplace.
Business Applications DIGITAL WORKPLACE? Digital Workplace Communication Collaborate Find & Share Business Applications Agile Working Before we dive into the technology. Lets explore this fancy word…digital workplace. what defines a digital and mobile workplace? We have communication – Present day workers prefer newer communication tools specifically instant messaging as compared to “traditional” tools like e-mail or team workspaces. Lets have a quikc show of hands. How many in this room message people rather than call them? Instant messaging is a quick and effective way to communicate. Not just limited to Skype/Lync but also Whatsapp, Twitter, etc. Next up, collaboration – In today’s fast paced society, effective collaboration is a must. Information is coming at you left right and center. Information you need to do your job, faster and more effective. Intranets and portals have done their part, now the digital workplace as a whole will help you collaborate better Find & Share – hand in hand with collaboration, we need to find the information that is relevant to us to get our job done. Data is the new gold and you are like a little goldminer back in the Klondike days. Only difference is…there is lots of data out there. Your quest is to find the part that is relevant. And then make sense of it and share it with your peers Business Applications – gone are the days where no one really cares about the user experience. Remember SAP? Great ERP tool, worse user interface I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Let’s stay with that example though. To support the digital workplace business applications must provide a rich user experience, mobile capabilities and must be flexible and secure. And SAP has mostly made that switch. A new and secure cloud platform, mobile apps with much better user experience. Last but not least – Agile working – Working is an activity, NOT a place anymore. The digital workplace has to support you and your way of working. Within a framework obviously, but still. Working today means getting your job done anytime anywhere and anytime.
MICROSOFT TO THE RESCUE Skype So, how does that fit into the world of Microsoft? One word…Office 365…well and associated services. Microsoft has done tremendous work to bring services and mobile apps out that couldn’t be a better toolbox to support your transition to the digital workplace. There is the traditional Email, we have SharePoint and Office 365 Groups, OneDrive, Planner for task management, skype to IM, call, whatever you prefer. Power BI to make sense of the waste amount of information floating around you day in day out. And the newest additions, Flow for, well basic, but still, task automation as well as PowerApps to interact with information and datasources. All this in mobile versions and apps that provide a great toolbox to build with. We don’t have time to go through all of them, but I think everyone knows mail, skype and onedrive. Also sharepoint otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Lets focus on the new additions and see what the advantages and disadvantages are.
OUR FOCUS The new kids on the block….PowerApps, Power BI, Planner, Flow and SharePoint Mobile App. Let’s step through each of them.
YOUR FRAMEWORK Connect, Collaborate, Communicate Technology is a toolbox Govern & Control Measure Connect, Collaborate, Communicate Culture is key, it drives how employees behave and work. This means it will determine how employees will perceive and use the concept of the digital workplace. Communicate, Communicate, communicate. Right from the start. Get peoples buy in early. Show them how your toolset can help them improve the way they work and more importantly the way they live! Establish a change management plan that aligns not just with the toolset, but more importantly with your organisation culture. Technology is not the solution, just toolbox to build with I cant stress this point enough. Everything you have seen today is just a toolbox to choose from. It is not the center of the digital workplace! The employee is. That is your most important asset. Understand how your workforce prefers to work. Utilise the toolbox at hand to support the way they want to work Govern & Control You need to ensure that everything you use technology wise is part of your industry standards, complies with rules and regulations and has appropriate management processes in place. Give employees a framework they can adopt. And again, communicate and educate people so they know what is expected and what consequences their actions can have. Measure Measure the output o your digital workplace, constantly compare our current state to where your organisation is heading. Stay ahead of the game by deploying new services or apps. Enable people to use the latest and greatest and retire those parts of the digital workplace that don’t go in line with the direction your company is going or don’t provide any business value. Most importantly though keep your workforce happy and attract talent!
Thank You