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August 27-29, 2012 Connecticut Convention Center Hartford, Connecticut USA PeopleSoft RECONNECT is a new PeopleSoft-focused event, replacing Quest Regional events. This new event will offer in-depth education into PeopleSoft product modules in a way that isn’t possible at COLLABORATE due to space limitations. QuestDirect.org/RECONNECT to find out more. If your audience is PS users, Quest would love for you to include this slide to help get the word out about the new PeopleSoft-only event. If this is not relevant to your audience or you prefer not to include it, just delete it.
November 7-9, 2012 Omni Interlocken Resort Broomfield, Colorado USA INFOCUS is a new, replacing Quest Regional events, offering in-depth education for the most popular JD Edwards EnterpriseOne modules. The JD Edwards INFOCUS call for presentations is open now! We are looking for deep-dive sessions into JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. For more information visit QuestDirect.org/INFOCUS If your audience is E1 users, Quest would love for you to include this slide to help get the word out about the new JD Edwards-only event. If this is not relevant to your audience or you prefer not to include it, just delete it.