Reason For Accidents Attention diverted
Brain Activity People do not completely pay attention to traffic since they are trying to focus on the conversation and the road. Reaction time is slowed and drivers have a hard time operating their U-turn signals while trying to multitask.
More Prone Inexperienced 21% accident rate
End Result of Texting While Driving In the U.S, statistics show that over 300,000 people were seriously injured in cell phone related accidents in 2005, and more than 2,500 suffer a wrongful death. The use of a cell phone is also the leading cause of car accidents among teenagers and has become a major problem. In an attempt to help reduce cell phone accidents, more states are adopting laws that limit or restrict the use of cell phones while operating a vehicle. End Result of Texting While Driving
Utah passes tough laws Chance Wilcox
Oprah Gets Involved No Phone Zone Oprah Winfrey has brought the issue to international prominence on her daily talk show. The audience and guests are encouraged to sign a “No Phone Zone Contract”.
Bibliography Bennet, Rob. “How the Brain Reacts." No date online image New York Times. 6 May 2010<http://www.> Bennet, Rob. "Should Cell phone Use by Drivers Be illegal." New York Times. 2-4. Print. <> “Clarence Wilcox’s Burial” No Date online image Mom Sends the Message Keep your mind on the Wheel 8 May 2010 Perkins, Derrick. "A first? Texting while driving leads to arrest." unionleader, Apr 7 2010. Web. 16 May 2010. <>. "Texting while driving." Google images. Web. 7 May 2010. "Texting while driving." Google images. Web. 8 May 2010. Winfrey, Operah. "Ophrah's No phone zone." Harpo Productions, No date . Web. 8 May 2010.<>. “2 Die 4” 26 April 2009 8 May 2010 <>