Propaganda Analysis Project Army Strong
Source of the Propaganda Name of source Any known information about the source Why would this person/company/campaign put out this piece of propaganda?
Intended Audience Tell us the larger audience it’s aimed at e.g., People who might text while driving; teens who might try cigarettes Tell us how the piece applies to you (the student) specifically
Desired Outcome Tell us what the propagandist wants What does the propagandist want you to do? What does the propagandist want you not to do? What does the propagandist want you to think?
Type of Propaganda Tell us the type of propaganda you think it is Remember that you can use your handout to label the type of propaganda You can also use this website: Explain how you know which type it is
Techniques Used in the Piece Tell us some of the techniques the propagandist uses to try to convince you. This may or may not be connected to the type of propaganda. For example: Bright colors Graphic images A celebrity whom teenagers like Tell us why these techniques work. For example: The technique is eye-catching It brings us to some important realization It makes us think of the celebrity’s lifestyle and how we want to be like him/her
This Piece is/is not Convincing On a scale of 1-10, tell us how convinced you are in relation to the propaganda What makes it convincing/not convincing? Why did the propaganda succeed or fail? Is this the outcome the propagandist was hoping for?
Questions Make sure to address the questions of your classmates
My Tips to You Don’t get too fancy! You may want to add a theme, colored fonts, or animations, but you are not being graded on how pretty your slides are. Make your presentation look professional, but do not sacrifice the content just so you can have cool transitions. It’s possible to look professional while still being simple.
Help! If you don’t know how to use PowerPoint, you have several options: Try searching YouTube. You can find all kinds of tutorials there. E-mail Miss Brown: Come in to the classroom before school, at Nutrition, Lunch, or after school Miss Brown usually gets to the classroom around 7:30AM