Denitrification in an Urban Tidal Freshwater Wetland of the Delaware T. Quirk, A. Smyth, M. Piehler, B. Horton, J. Mead, and D. J. Velinsky February 2010
Tidal Freshwater Wetlands Along coastal rivers Salinity less than 0.5 ppt Salt intolerant species Globally rare habitat Receive and process nutrient loads
Organic N NO3- NH4+ flux N2 flux N2 (g) NO3+ flux NH4+ OO SEDIMENT WATER Organic N O NO3- Net Nitrification NH4+ flux N2 flux O N2 (g) Denitrification NO3+ flux Permanent removal O NH4+ Net Ammonification adapted from Kemp et al. 1990
Denitrification varies temporally and spatially Hypothesis Denitrification varies temporally and spatially Elevation Season Vegetation Soil and water N
The Darby-Cobbs watershed Cobbs Creek Darby Creek Stony Creek Muckinipattis Creek Hermesprota Creek
Watershed Marsh Phragmites australis
Low tide High tide
Spatial variation - upstream, main marsh, downstream - low, mid-, high marsh plant communities / elevations
Water Column Characteristics b
Seasonal aboveground biomass
Denitrification Seasonal effect B Seasonal effect Little spatial variation but a few hotspots of DNR No significant relationship between DNR and elevation or biomass
APRIL Net flux of N from sediment to water column OO SEDIMENT Organic N WATER O NO3- Net Nitrification NH4+ flux N2 flux O N2 (g) Denitrification NO3+ flux + 85 ± 27 µmol m-2 hr-1 + 474 ± 26 µmol m-2 hr-1 + 55 ± 29 µmol m-2 hr-1 O NH4+ Net Ammonification Net flux of N from sediment to water column Low rates of denitrification
JULY Net flux of nitrate from water to sediment OO SEDIMENT Organic N WATER O NO3- Net Nitrification NH4+ flux N2 flux O N2 (g) Denitrification NO3+ flux + 80 ± 21 µmol m-2 hr-1 - 293 ± 53 µmol m-2 hr-1 + 396 ± 43 µmol m-2 hr-1 O NH4+ Net Ammonification Net flux of nitrate from water to sediment High rates of denitrification
OCTOBER Ammonium flux low and variable OO SEDIMENT Organic N WATER O NO3- Net Nitrification NH4+ flux N2 flux O N2 (g) Denitrification NO3+ flux + 4 ± 9 µmol m-2 hr-1 - 327 ± 92 µmol m-2 hr-1 + 100 ± 9 µmol m-2 hr-1 O NH4+ Net Ammonification Ammonium flux low and variable Moderate rates of denitrification
Positive relationship between NH4+ flux and N2 flux in July
Sediment O2 Demand Increase in SOD - Reduces O2 availability - Limits nitrification Implications Both nitrification and water column NO3+ fueling DNR in July Water column NO3+ fueling DNR in Oct
Conclusions Little spatial variation in DNR Seasonal effects on plant community composition and % of biomass AND DNR April- many locations with no DNR July- greatest DNR with coupled nitrification-DNR + water column NO3+ fueling DNR October- lower DNR but water column NO3+ fueling DNR Calculation of % N load undergoing DNR limited by lack of adequate streamflow data