Toward an inclusive campus community: Celebrating success and learning from failure Tianna Cervantez, Director of the Center for Intercultural Life Anne Ehrlich, Vice President for Student Development
About knox college Of 1400 students 39% US students of color 14% international (46 countries) 30% first generation 15% students with disabilities 29% LGBTQ Location Galesburg, Illinois (midwestern, rural) Retention 92% first to second year Graduation 75% Endowment $155 million
“When a change is not institutionalized, it is likely to be terminated Curry, 1992 New England Resource Center for Higher Education Self-Assessment Rubric for the Institutionalization of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Alignment with Institutional Mission NASPA 2018 Philosophy and mission Emerging Transforming Developing Diversity, equity, and inclusion are visible in the campus’ official mission. The institution has a formal, universally accepted definition for high quality diversity, equity, and inclusion that is used consistently to operationalize many or most aspects of diversity on campus. The campus has developed an official strategic plan for advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus, which includes viable short-range and long-range institutionalization goals. Alignment with Institutional Mission Knox College is a community of individuals from diverse backgrounds challenging each other to explore, understand and improve ourselves, our society and our world. The commitment to put learning to use to accomplish both personal and social goals dates back to the founding of the College in 1837. We take particular pride in the College's early commitment to increase access to all qualified students of varied backgrounds, races and conditions, regardless of financial means. encouraging the personal, cultural and intellectual growth of our students in a reflective, tolerant, and engaged campus community encouraging the personal, cultural and intellectual growth of our students in a reflective, inclusive, and engaged campus community
Strategic Plan NASPA 2018 Philosophy and mission Campus-wide Definition of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ? Strategic Plan Engage our diverse, vibrant campus community: Ensure that all Knox students, regardless of their backgrounds or the pathways that brought them to Knox, are afforded the transformational experiences that promote success at Knox and after graduation. Meet 95% of financial need for all admitted students Devise a summer enrichment bridge program for incoming first-year students to ensure that all of our students are prepared to begin their Knox education Develop and support programs that teach the skills of productive dialogue, collaboration, and team-building across many dimensions of difference Adopt the best practices in human resources initiatives to leverage the potential of our diverse campus. Increase the number of employees from underrepresented groups by 50%
NASPA 2018 Philosophy and mission In what ways are diversity, equity, and inclusion institutionalized through your college/university philosophy and mission?
Administrative leadership NASPA 2018 Administrative leadership Primarily operational or endowed funding from the campus supports the campus’ diversity activities. The institution has developed hiring policies and procedures that have proven to be highly effective at bringing in individuals who add to its diverse workforce. Funding Some offices supported by “hard money” Center for Intercultural Life Disability Support Services Others supported by “soft money” TRIO Student Success Coordinator (TRIO gap) Spiritual Life McNair Scholars ABLE House renovations
NASPA 2018 Administrative leadership Strategic Target: Increase the number of employees from underrepresented groups by 50% ACM hiring and diversity workshops Faculty hiring guidelines Opportunity hires Faculty Staff 2016 20%* 12% 2012 *5% black, 4% Latinx In what ways does your senior leadership demonstrate a systemic commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion?
NASPA 2018 Faculty/staff support Many faculty incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion as an informing quality of their college service efforts. Faculty and staff have access to an array of effective professional development programs to prepare them to meet the needs of a diverse campus. Evidence of a strong value for diversity, equity, and inclusion is easily apparent throughout the curricular offerings at the institution. Service Mellon Fellowship model (faculty only) Professional Development The “M” word/How to avoid preaching to the choir Curriculum Diversity Power and inequity In what ways does your institution systemically encourage faculty and staff to take ownership of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts?
Engagement + Leadership NASPA 2018 Student support A substantial number of students know what diversity, equity and inclusion are and can articulate why knowledge and experience in these areas are essential to their education and their future work. There are ample opportunities offered to enhance student learning about diversity, inclusion and equity issues on campus, including opportunities to develop students’ expertise and inclusive leadership skills. Knowledge + Awareness Orientation Residential Curriculum Cultural Centers Campus-wide Day of Dialogue? Engagement + Leadership Cultural Organizations Multicultural Student Advisory Council/Interfaith Student Advisory Council Student Org Diversity Training Student Senate Diversity Committee Campus Diversity Committee Intercultural Life Peer Educators/Title IX Peer Educators TRIO/SPARK Mentors
NASA 2018 Student support How does your institution systemically provide all students with opportunities to learn about, be engaged in, and provide leadership to diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts?
… or “How does change happen?” NASPA 2018 Next steps… … or “How does change happen?” 1. Relationships (not individuals, create change) New Dean = New Opportunities New Curriculum = New Opportunities 2. Data Focus on outcomes Review results of campus climate survey with strategic stakeholder group 3. Support student activism