PLANNING RESOURCES 1. Materials Need to determine 2. Equipment Quantities takeoff Availability and probable delivery time Type of materials 2. Equipment Selection of the type of equipment Availability and delivery time Decision for purchase or renting Prof. Awad Hanna
PLANNING RESOURCES (cont.) 3. Manpower Crew size and composition Availability Time required to perform each activity 4. Money Account receivable, account payable 5. Time Beginning End date Milestones Prof. Awad Hanna
BAR CHARTS A graphical representation of a project in which activities types and duration represented by bars proportion its duration. Prof. Awad Hanna
NETWORKS Definition Arrow Diagram Precedence Diagram A network consist of two basic elements, nodes and links between these nodes. Arrow Diagram Activities are represented by two nodes and one link. Precedence Diagram Activates represented by nodes and links represent the relationship. Prof. Awad Hanna
Arrow Diagram for a Small Garage Shingle Roof Layout Cast Floor Slab Erect Frame Place Siding Hang Door Paint Arrow Diagram for a Small Garage Place Siding Layout Cast Floor Slab Erect Frame Hang Door Paint Shingle Roof Precedence Diagram for a Small Garage Prof. Awad Hanna