HR Metrics Queries
From the Public Folder, search For HR Metrics.
Select the HR METRICS REPORTS Folder.
Select the type of report you want to use. For this purpose we are going to use One-Page HR Metrics Multi-Units (DMSL/BCT) Select the “Open with report studio” Icon.
Save this report to your local unit public Folder or your personal files.
Open the report by selecting the “Run with options” icon
Select Excel 2007 Save the report Select Run
Select Finish Enter DMSL Select Insert *Note: I have try multiple DMSLs and it has not work for me. Recommend you run One DMSL at a time.
Select the ‘Refresh’ icon a few times And wait about 5-10 minutes. Once your query is ready for export, Select the “View the output version” icon *Note: Once the query is ran, you will automatically be back where you started.
Select this icon Open or save the Excel format
Excel version of your HR Metrics
Late Evaluations Report Using IWRs
Click Here
Enter Pin Number
Click Here
Enter UA Code Select OERs or NCOERs Enter Dates, (RC(S) standard is 6 months)
Number of late Evals by number of days and percentage. Selecting the radio button will provide the by name list of late Evals in excel format.
(IWRS) or in Online Senior Rater Profile HQDA level Processing System The Eval Process from Unit to OMPF Seen in Interactive Web Response System (IWRS) or in Online Senior Rater Profile Seen in My Forms Tracking My Forms Tracking* Soldier & unit rating officials Seen in OMPF Online Date 3: Eval info is visible to users as having been received on (date 2) NCOER & OER My Forms at HQDA (HRC) level HQDA level Processing System Individual Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF) Date 1: Unit sends To HRC Date 2: HRC acts to either accept or return for correction & re-submission Date 2: HRC act of acceptance becomes date of receipt. Date 4: HRC completes review of eval (and labeling as needed) and places in OMPF. My Forms Sender To HRC My Board File (MBF) THRU Date In final stage of processing THRU date is sent to the TAPDB-A/R/G which update emilpo, ITTRS, ORB, etc. Seen in MBF Online 18
DD93s and SGLVs Report Using iPERMS
Click Authorized Official
Click DD93s/SGLVs
The AE Domain for Enlisted was disable and combined into AA. Output Format: You can view HTML, CSV, or XML. To view in Excel format select CSV file. Identified UPC and enter (HPNT0,HPNA0…). Separate by a coma and no space between UPCs. Wildcard is permitted % (HP%,AB%...) **Key Note: When selecting CSV file and you click Run Report ensure to hold down the Ctrl button on your key board until the file opens and you click save. NOTE: This report is not to be used as a strength and accountability management tool.