Belief in Allah LO: To explore Muslim beliefs about Allah. To explore differences in beliefs. To evaluate how this might inform Muslim practice. Do Now: from your pre reading summarise Muslim beliefs about Allah. I will pick someone to read theirs out.
Pre Reading/Task. Read p.23-24. Write in your own words what happened in the case of the Satanic Verses and why.
Read p.25-30 and answer the following Qs. Immanence = near his creation. What is the meaning of the term Allah? What is the link between Islam, Christianity and Judaism? What are the five signs of Gods supremacy? What does the ‘Throne Verse’ in the Quran state? What did Al-Ghazali say were the essential attributes of God? What does the Quran say about loving and knowing God? How many names does Allah have and where are they found? How are these names divided? Are there more merciful or vengeful? How do some Muslims remember the names? Do all do this? From your reading what seems to be the Sufi position in knowing Allah?
Which other of the six beliefs does this go against? The definition of Kafir in Islam is a ‘non believer’ or atheist. Has the term been used correctly here? Which other of the six beliefs does this go against?
From the questions you answered is the situation here Theologically acceptable? Theologically – True to God and Religion.
Assess the significance of different interpretations in beliefs about Allah. (9 marks) Include: What do all Muslims believe about Allah. To what extent do Muslims think differently. How is this creating contemporary issues. NB: Shia Muslims do not believe that God has ANY physical attributes and cannot be known by humans. They believe that only the Imams can receive revelation from God and it is their job to disseminate this to the people. Shia Muslims believe that any verses in the Quran which suggest God has physical attributes must be interpreted allegorically.
To explore the importance of Tawhid. To assess its importance. Flag of Saudi Arabia – has the Shahadah on it. Do Now: Read the Shahadah. What key Muslim belief is expressed here? Why is this declaration so important? What is the greatest sin associated with the opposite of this belief? Shahadah – First Pillar of Islam (declaration of faith) "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger." This is the basic statement of the Islamic faith: anyone who cannot recite this wholeheartedly is not a Muslim.
If Shirk is the greatest sin then Tawhid must be the greatest truth. Is a central teaching in the Quran as this is the revealed word of Allah and is central to a Muslims life, Tawhid must be a teaching which should underpin all belief and practice. If Shirk is the greatest sin then Tawhid must be the greatest truth. It is part of the Shahadah and therefore is recited at birth, death, conversion, prayer etc. Therefore underpins all Muslim belief and practice. “Surely the religion (i.e. the worship and the obedience) is for Allah only. And those who take Protectors (helpers, lords, gods) besides Him (say): “We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allah.” Verily Allah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Truly, Allah guides not him who is a liar, and a disbeliever.” [Az-Zumar 39:3]
Read p.17&18 of the pre reading pack. Explore Muslim beliefs about Tawhid (8 Marks) Assess the impact of Tawhid on Muslim lives. (9 Marks).