Bell Ringer Have you ever tried to find a shortcut when travelling from one place to another? Explain.
US Economic Imperialism
Latin America
Pan-Americanism Wanted the rest of the world to see US as dominant Start by becoming friendly with Latin America Pan-Americanism: US and Latin America working together
The Navy
Reasons Why New markets overseas Anglo-Saxonism European expansion Congress decides to build a navy
New Ships Moved away from wood and wind power Steel-hulled and steam-powered USS Maine - one of the US navy’s 1st armored battleships
Sending Out the “Great White Fleet” The Great White Fleet: America’s highly advanced naval fleet They went on a diplomatic “good-will” mission around the world; had the bonus effect of showing America’s military muscle. Sending Out the “Great White Fleet”
“Speak softly, and carry a big stick”
A Canal in Panama Canal would cut time and money for commercial and military shipping The location of the canal was the problem Nicaragua-1st choice-volcano Panama-2nd choice-part of Colombia TR and French started a rebellion in Panama
Roosevelt Corollary Latin America owed Europe money TR was afraid Europe might use force to collect their money Roosevelt Corollary: US would intervene in Latin America and collect the debts for Europe
The Spanish-American War Remember the Maine! The Spanish-American War
To the Rescue Cuba is rebelling against Spain President Cleveland declared neutrality Rest of America wants to help
Power of the Media William Randolph Hearst – The Journal Joseph Pulitzer – The World Yellow journalism: sensationalist reporting with exaggerated truths or even made up stories all to attract readers
A Fateful Decision President McKinley sends the USS Maine to protect Americans in Cuba just in case
Boom! The Maine blows up “Remember the Maine!” became the rallying cry of Americans Teddy Roosevelt to McKinley: “no more backbone than a chocolate éclair”
Fuels Americans to call for war Jingoism Extreme nationalism Fuels Americans to call for war
More soldiers died in training than in the actual war Preparing for War More soldiers died in training than in the actual war Lack of resources
The Rough Riders Volunteer cavalry Led by Teddy Roosevelt Helped in the victories at Kettle and San Juan hills Eventual Spanish surrender
Annexation Philippines Puerto Rico Guam Eventually given independence after WWII Puerto Rico Still ours Looking to be a state Guam