MGA GOLD Annual Meeting at Toronto, Canada May 17, 2013 2013 IEEE REGION 1 GOLD MGA GOLD Annual Meeting at Toronto, Canada May 17, 2013 Soon Wan ( IEEE Region 1 Acting GOLD Coordinator
Where is IEEE Region 1? Northeastern Region of United States Region 1 consists of the following states: Connecticut Massachusetts Maine New Hampshire New Jersey New York Rhode Island Vermont 22 Sections 18 GOLD Affinity Groups
Region 1 GOLD Affinity Groups Chair Email Berkshire No Affinity Group NA Binghamton Vacant Boston Srinivas Vaidyanathan Buffalo Thomas Heckmann Connecticut Cynthia Armstrong, Larry Cole, Green Mountain Ithaca Yahya Mesgarpour Tousi Long Island Adam Chalson Maine Lonnie Labonte Mid-Hudson Mohawk Valley New Hampshire Gregory Hovagim New Jersey Coast Delfin Neves New York Michael Haroutunian Michael.Haroutunian@NYCT.COM North Jersey Dandan Wang Princeton/Central Jersey Godwin Nwankwo, Usman Nasir, Providence Shane Augustine Rochester Survi Kyal Schenectady Fazel Yavari yavarf@RPI.EDU Springfield Audrey Newcomb Syracuse Worcester County Larry Nelson Jr
Region 1 GOLD Major Initiatives
IEEE Region 1 iSTEP Initiative Student–GOLD Mentoring Program iEEE Student’s Transition to Engineering/Technology Program One of the R1-6 Geo Unit Revitalization Projects (MGA approved the grant) Phase 1: Design and Develop an iSTEP Graduation Package Phase 2: Revise the Congratulation Letter for graduating students Phase 3: Organize iSTEP events at Four Region 1 Area Meetings Graduation Package Congratulation Letter iSTEP at Region 1 Area Meetings GSM or GOLD Member Student Member iSTEP Initiative
STEP Event at Region 1 Student Conference 2013 Friday, April 5, 2013 7:45pm Panel Session: Cultivating Your Professional Identity Robert A. Reilly IEEE Region 1 Student Activities Chair How do you define yourself? Ali Abedi IEEE Region 1 Director-Elect Candidate Wireless Sensing - Journey to Commercialization
GOLD Humanitarian Activities Seminar on IEEE EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service) IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference Formation of Boston SIGHT (Special Interest Group in Humanitarian Technology) – Student and GOLD Collaboration with a non-profit organization “Village Help For South Sudan” in Boston, and IEEE PES CSI (Community Solution Initiative) on several energy technology solutions for South Sudan villages.
2014 Region 1 GOLD & Student Conference Conference Tradition Program Keynote Speech Micromouse Competition Undergratudate Student Paper Contest Micromouse Workshop Award Dinner Ceremony Developing New Programs Graduate Student Paper Contest Young Professional (GOLD) Paper Contest Mciromouse Competition for GOLD members
GOLD Chairs Virtual Training Along with the Region 1 Training Session in the summer 2013 – virtually online Using WebEx Suggested Topics for GOLD Chairs Building the Bridge between Students and GOLD Members Professional Activities for Member Development Increasing Participation through Chapter Activities
Region 1 GOLD Challenges, Goals and Best Practices
Region 1 GOLD Challenges 2013 Region 1 GOLD Goals About 6 GOLD Affinity Groups have been inactive for 3 years. They were considered to be dissolved. To find someone suitable with commitment and dedication to be the Region 1 GOLD Coordinator. 2013 Region 1 GOLD Goals To revive the inactive GOLD Affinity Groups: To source new GOLD volunteers / leaders. And, update the Region 1 Good Young Professionals List. To update the list of Region 1 GOLD Chairs. Then, to provide training to new GOLD Chairs, and mentor them. To develop the Student-GOLD Mentorship program.
Region 1 GOLD Resources Requested GOLDRush Advertisement Page: To promote or announce Region 1 GOLD program such as the 2014 Region 1 GOLD & Student Conference GOLD Flyer and Brochure that GOLD leaders can give out at GOLD meetings A designed GOLD giveaway that could be given out at the GOLD meetings, or GOLD membership booths. MGA GOLD Book: To collect and consolidate all the best practices, activities with some level of details in planning and resources used, strategic plans, ideas (reality and crazy). Like the GOLD Book developed by Region 8 GOLD.
Region 1 GOLD Best Practices Host a GOLD Annual Meeting, and provide training to all GOLD volunteers. Allow non-member to volunteer and take an active role in the GOLD programs and activities for 1 to 2 years. This will give the uncertain non-member an opportunity to discover and feel the benefits of becoming a member and being a volunteer. Promote the benefits of volunteering, and mention about GOLD achievement and recognition awards. Plan joint GOLD activities with Student Branches, PACE, SPAC, WIE and other IEEE societies. Highlight career discussion exchanges with students and also emphasize the importance of continued IEEE membership after graduation Soon’s Favorite: Organize more Networking and Social Events with Ice Cream
Thank you and Question Soon Wan Region 1 Membership Development Chair Region 1 Acting GOLD Coordinator Boston Section Past Chair & Nomination Chair IEEE GHTC 2013 Conference Vice Chair (978) 749-3358