Company Profile
More than 35 years of experience in software development and pipe shop consulting Customers in Europe, Asia and the Americas Used in leading shipyards worldwide Many interfaces for data import / export Customer-oriented software for individual requirements Integrated software framework for maximum efficiency
1982 1985 1999 2005 First isometric software and RAMP workshop control (HP Workstation) Introduction of 3D pipe bending simulation First RAMP for paperless workshop control Multiple software packages for paperless and automated pipe shops in Germany and surrounding countries 2010 2013 2016 2017 Major turnkey automated pipe shop project for oil-rig fabrication in South East Asia Major turnkey automated pipe shop project for shipyard in South East Europe Multiple integrated software packages and turnkey pipe shops worldwide Cooperation agreement for the Korean market, software solution for major German chemical enterprise
Software Framework 3rd Party Construction Platforms Generates Tribon MDPS Unigraphics NX Aveva Ship Constructor PDMS Nupas Cadmatic Foran Catia etc. Software Framework Isometric Drawings CNC Bending Lists Welding Documentation Workflow Calculation Optimized Cutting Lists Dia-Inch Reports Work Packages Part Lists Tracking Worksheets Balancing Import Facilitates Fabrication Planning, Optimization, and Control, Production Tracing
Creation of customer-specific schematics and diagrams Automatic classification and numbering of elements Automatic generation of part lists for disposition and construction Integrated database, shared with RoniIsoBuilder and RAMP for efficient data transfer
Specialized software solution: RoniIsoBuilder for the import and creation of isometric drawings directly from the 3D model Optimized for use in shipyards, the offshore industry, oil & gas and plant construction Import interfaces to all common 3D modeling platforms, such as Tribon, ShipConstructor, PDMS, Medusa, Catia, AutoCAD, NupasCadmatic, Intergraph, Unigraphics… Automatic generation of welding documentation, cutting lists, bending lists, part lists and worksheets for improved traceability and streamlined data management
Streamlined tool for generating fabrication data quickly and efficiently from external construction systems Cutting lengths, CNC bending and flame cutting data, welding information and bills of material are created automatically and stored in fabrication database Checks imported data for integrity and completes any missing information before sending the spool to fabrication The customizable user administration manages user roles with particular access rights
Simulation of the bending sequence for rotary draw, push and induction bending machines on 3D models of the actual machines and tooling of the customer. Collision test with automatic search for alternative solutions, using adjustable parameters Spool geometries can be entered as XYZ values, bending tables or imported from 3rd party platforms Calculation of bending values, corrected for springback, stretching and overbending Examination of the bending process can be visualized or run in the background
RAMP offers total control and full awareness of your fabrication process Optimized work packages using data from RoniIsoBuilder or a 3rd party database used by the customer Interfaces to scheduling and material management software Full documentation and work orders (BoM, work sheets, complete welding joint history) Automatic transfer of CNC data to the machines Fabrication status is constantly updated and accessible Calculation of capacities, workflow and material
Enables you to track and document all welding works in your projects Covers all steps of QA/QC documentation from fit-up to NDE for both shop welds and field welds Runs on PCs, tablets and smartphones Generates fit-up reports, welding reports, joint history reports and NDT requests Automatically generates reports for welder performance and performance per station, as well as daily progress reports Constant live data for quick & easy monitoring
Our many years of experience enable us to significantly increase a workshop‘s efficiency and productivity. With automation and optimization it is possible to reduce fabrication time by 50% or more and man-power/work preparation time by 90%. For turnkey projects 3R solutions can offer a workshop layout, technical drawings, processing machines, and transport systems. Each system component is carefully selected, so it can be used with optimal efficiency in combination with the other components.
Pipe is forwarded to the bending machine Pipe is bent Pipe information in the database is updated Pipe is selected from pipe dispenser Pipe is cut at the CNC band saw Pipe information in the database is updated Pipe is forwarded to the welding stations Flanges are attached Pipe information in the database is updated
Uneven workload distribution Available capacities remain unused Without Balancing Uneven workload distribution Available capacities remain unused Workload Too little Optimum Too much
Increased efficiency and productivity With Balancing Increased efficiency and productivity Optimized use of available capacities and times Workload Too little Optimum Too much
Contact Details 3R solutions Kleistrasse 39 59073 Hamm Germany +49 2381 9724 710 +49 2381 9724 711 Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Web: