Knowing the DSM and Behavioral Health Diagnoses: How does this thing work? Abnormal Psychology 101
We know we have a medical illness when we experience: Body Illness Symptoms
Scientific Evidence-Based Tools Confirm Illness in the Medical Model: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Tumor
How do we know we are sick in Behavioral Health?
FMRI: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
We used to only see behaviors, so the DSM was born to track and chart groups of behaviors.
And they’re just as real! Now we can see both behaviors and the organic condition of the brain to confirm a mental health illness… And they’re just as real! Behavioral Health illnesses are biophysically no different from medical illnesses.
Now with FMRI’s we can ‘see’ the illness not only only in a person’s behavior but also as an organic physical brain formation and function.
Psychiatric (Behavioral Health) Model Medical Model Malignant Tumor Psychiatric (Behavioral Health) Model Normal Depression Bipolar Schizophrenia OCD
Autism Normal
Major Depressive Disorder Without Depression
Non PTSD Group PTSD Group
Hyperactive Frontal Lobe
So what’s a Diagnosis? DSM-IV-TR When patterns of behavior cause clinical impairment in self-psyche, social relationships, physical problems and other behavioral functioning problems.
DSM: 5 Axes Incorporating a biopsychosocial Model The Mind (Psycho) Interpersonal (Social) The Body (Biology
Multi-axial System Axis I: Primary area of clinical concern (Psycho) Axis: II Personality Disorders (Psycho & Social) Axis: III Medical Problems (Bio) Axis IV: Psychosocial & Environmental (Psychosocial) Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning-GAF (Biopsychosocial)
Person’s History & Current Presentation How Do We Use the DSM to Diagnose? Person’s History & Current Presentation Bio Psycho Social
This Entails: A comprehensive interview gathering a person’s: Medical Psychiatric Social Family Developmental Environmental Legal Substance Abuse Histories
How to Code Example #2: Axis I: F84.0 Autism Spectrum Disorder Axis II: None Axis III: E-11 Diabetes Type 2 Axis IV: Family Relational Problems Educational Problems Socioeconomic Problems Axis V: 32
Where do you come in? Behavioral interventions are proven to target and activate or suppress areas of the brain that are over or underactive. This ‘re-wiring’ of the brain is a proven biological event.
Behavioral and educational interventions are critical for the treatment for mental health illnesses!!