In an Out of Control World! Boosting Self Control In an Out of Control World! By Jenn Dubey
What would you do?
What is Self-Control The ability to override impulses or urges in favor of a desired outcome. Our inner conflict between short term reward, which holds incredible power, and our long term goal.
The Zappers! Anger Fatigue Chaos Frustration Stress Hunger
Stress… Normal and natural stress… Body’s way of protecting you Helps response in times of crisis Can sharpen concentration Increases reaction time But when it becomes chronic… Slows down digestion Increases muscle tension Suppress immune system Elevates blood pressure
What looks like a people problem is really a culture problem!!
Justification… Rationalize Entitlement Blame Over-Reaction
Increase your Willpower Increase your capacity for pressure Take back control of the situation Meditate- Recover your energy Embrace Change!
Shift your environment… Tweak your Surroundings Build Habits through Repetition Rally the People