Designed & developed by Responsibilities of Stake Holders Department of Consumer Affairs Overall administrative and monitoring in-charge. Responsible for the approval of the project, Release of funds, Issuance of policy guidelines to states Implementation of a scheme for performance related targets. availability of necessary infrastructure and support system at all the States/District through entering into suitable MOUs with the State Government. Designed & developed by
Designed & developed by Responsibilities of Stake Holders (Cont..) The State Govts. would be responsible for Total ownership of the project and the implementation sites. Site preparation, Providing the staff, Ensuring that Data is fed and transmitted over network regularly Ensuring the staff is getting the requisite training, The proper execution of the project and provide the recurring costs: (Such as AMC, Consumables and networking etc..). The system should be ultimately owned, managed and internalized by the State Governments. Designed & developed by
Designed & developed by Responsibilities of Stake Holders (Cont..) NCDRC and State Forums shall share the responsibility of Implementing the project as per the expectations of Govt. of India. Monitoring the functioning of district forums, Calling for various reports from time to time, Issuance of operational guidelines to state and district forums, Ensuring updation of data from various levels. Designed & developed by
Designed & developed by Responsibilities of Stake Holders (Cont..) NIC would be responsible for Design and Development of Software Work out the total roll-out on turn-key basis for all the district forums, state forums and the NCDRC within the defined time-frame. Training of the staff and technical support for the implementation of the project in coordination with the local staff and support agency. Develop the application software that would be bilingual initially and multi-lingual at a later stage. Designed & developed by