Oil and Gas Industry Business Management Software Extends Across the Office Ecosystem “Building seamless integration between the systems that our customers depend on is core to the myQuorum user experience. Quorum Add-ins for Office help our customers simplify and leverage existing technology investments in Quorum and Microsoft.” – Olivier Thierry, CMO, Quorum SITUATION Quorum users work in Microsoft Office applications every day to communicate and analyze information. For each of these, manual processes still exist, adding friction to completing daily tasks. To understand the impact of a notification-triggering event, a user may have to enter multiple screens and applications. For analyzing customer invoice information, shippers, marketers, or schedulers must manually extract, clean and format data for analysis. OFFICE ISV: Quorum WEB SITE: www.qbsol.com LOCATION: Houston, Texas, USA ORG SIZE: 400 employees OFFICE ISV PROFILE: Quorum’s innovative software for hydrocarbon and energy business management is designed with industry expertise using next-generation technology. Proven to maximize profit throughout the energy value chain, the platform of integrated solutions delivers advanced functionality, improved efficiency, and enhanced regulatory compliance. SOLUTION Quorum increased employee productivity by extending the myQuorum user experience platform into the Microsoft Office ecosystem and enabling oil and gas professionals to access Quorum data within Excel and Outlook. The Excel Add-in, myQuorum Customer Activity Export, reduces manual exports of unformatted data and eliminates the need for static reports to understand customer activity. The Outlook Add-in, myQuorum Pipeline Notification Details, provides additional context to email notifications. BENEFITS Integrating with familiar Office applications reduces manual processes, delivering information where users need it and improving decisions. Users access actionable information they need within Office tools they already know, requiring no additional training.