MATCH THE TERMS TO THE DEFINITION: HISTORY PRE-HISTORY BIAS PROPAGANDA BC AD STRATIGRAPHY CARBON 14 DATING CONSERVATION Measuring chemical level in a dead object. The story of the past based on evidence. The years before the birth of Christ. Protection of objects so they don’t decay. Dating objects by the depth they were found in the ground. Favouring one side over the other. The years after the birth of Christ. Using information to influence people’s opinions. History of people before writing was invented.
TIMELINE 7000 BC 4000 BC 2300 BC 500 BC 500 AD Old Stone Age Middle (Mesolithic) New Stone Age (Neolithic) Bronze Age Iron Age Early Christian Ireland 7000 BC 4000 BC 2300 BC 500 BC 500 AD Iron Replaced bronze; Arrival of Celts No evidence of people living in Ireland First people in Ireland First farmers in Ireland First use of metal Arrival of Christianity
NEW STONE AGE Look at the picture of a house in the New Stone Age. Identify the different characteristics of the house. Consider: Shape Materials Wattle and daub (mud and grass/hay used on walls) Fire/hearth Posthole
IDENTIFY THE BURRIAL GROUNDS Court Cairn Portal Dolmen Passage Grave
THE BRONZE AGE In the Bronze Age, copper and tin were combined to make bronze. This was the first use of metal. The Stone Age gave way to the Bronze Age. They were farmers and lived in similar houses to the New Stone Age. Cooking methods were different. They ground wheat and oats on a saddle stone to make bread and porridge. Cooked in bronze cauldrons over fire. The fulacht fiadh (above) was used to boil food.
WHAT WERE GOLD AND BRONZE USED FOR? Objects made from bronze: Swords, axes, spears, arrowheads Objects made from gold: Lunulae, sun discs, torcs, neclaces Bronze Age people buried their dead in: CIST GRAVE – A regular grave lined with stone slabs. WEDGE TOMB – Looked similar to a portal dolmen. STANDING STONES – Tall stones laid out in a pattern.
CELTS AND THE IRON AGE The CELTS lived in southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Their language, culture and use of iron spread to France, Britain and Ireland by 300 BC. The IRON AGE was where iron (stronger metal) was used instead of bronze to make weapons.
CELTIC SOCIETY The king (rí) ruled each kingdom (tuath). He was elected by the royal family (derbhfine) The nobles were warriors and the Aos Dána. These were: 1. judges who knew Celtic/Brehon laws; 2. Druids who were Celtic priests; 3. Filí who wrote poetry. Commoners were the farmers who worked the land. Most work was done by labourers and slaves who were captured from other tribes.
WHERE DID THE CELTS LIVE? Ring Fort Enclosed circular earthen bank with houses inside. Crannóg Built on artificial island in a lake. Land was reached by boat or drawbridge. Hill Fort Similar to ring fort but wider. Promontory Fort Built on the edge of cliffs for protection.
OGHAM Ogham stones were standing stones which marked graves or land boundaries. This was inscribed with the first form of writing in Ireland, which was called OGHAM.