Scarcity and the Factors of Production
Scarcity: Basic Economic Problem Lack of enough resources to satisfy our wants Affects every person, business, government and society. Human wants > Limited resource = SCARCITY
V. V.
Wants Are Unlimited: Scarcity exists b/c people’s wants are never satisfied Economic Good: any item that is scarce Economic Bad: an item we would pay to have less of to “make scarce”
Resources are Limited: Resources = FACTORS OF PRODUCTION LAND: All “natural” resources Water, forests, wildfire, minerals, gas, and oil. Owners of land receive RENT
2. LABOR Includes all the time, effort, and talent that goes into production Physical/Intellectual service: training, education, and abilities of people in society. People who provide LABOR are paid a WAGE.
3. CAPITAL All resources made/used by people to help produce and distribute goods and services. Machinery and Equipment (used in production) Owners of Capital receive: INTEREST
4. ENTREPRENEURSHIP Rare Combo: Vision, ingenuity, energy, and willingness to take risks needed to run a new business. RISKTAKERS: Time, money, energy in hopes of profits (from satisfying consumer wants)
4. ENTREPRENEURSHIP Fred DeLuca -Borrowed $1,000 from friend (partner Peter Buck) to start sub-shop to pay for college