Poetry Guidance Programme
Belvedere College S.J. Guidance Model Take Action Know Yourself Get Focused Explore Options
Know yourself… TY The guidance classes covered getting to know yourself modules. We used the Careers Reach + Programme which is designed to encourage a rich understanding of the key factors that influence career choice by a series of self-assessments and reflections, these included: Interests Assessment Personality Assessment Values Assessment Multiple Intelligences Assessment Learning Styles Assessment Aptitudes Assessment
Explore your options... In the latter part of the TY programme, they covered the following modules: Minimum entry requirements and the importance of linking these with the course/careers area you are interested in which when choosing subjects Qualifications and Levels with regards to the CAO and how to differentiate these CAO Choices – CAO Course finder tool PLC Choices – PLC Course finder tool Other pathways in education from apprenticeships to Teagasc who run a number of courses in agriculture, food, horticulture, forestry and equine studies Further training on Careers Portal.ie and Qualifax.ie to empower the student to complete their own research on careers and courses Subject Choice Options
Exploring Options… Poetry In 5th Year we begin to consolidate all the information from the TY Programme by giving the students the opportunity to : Attend the Careers Evening to meet with college reps. Attend Lunchtime talks for more detailed and focus information. We would ask that you encourage your sons to attend all of these. Attend our Annual Belvedere Careers Clinic to meet with professionals from a wide range of industries/careers areas. Attend the DCU Campus Visit to gain first hand experience of ca college campus. Partake in a Mock Interview with two professional mentors to hone skills and receive feedback. Complete an in-depth, online personalised careers assessment called RightCareers4me™ which is an award winning online career matching system which helps students to scientifically identify suitable careers and courses Deliver further career guidance classes and group sessions during the year.
Put in the ground work.. In addition to this students should… Attend open days, use Qualifax www.qualifax.ie to get a full listing of all open days and events in the colleges. Attend Summer Schools in the various colleges to get a taste of the courses. Attend Taster days which are run is some colleges . Attend Portfolios clinics if interested in completing a portfolio. Use Careers Portal www.careersportal.ie to research courses/careers of interest Check out the Careers Events poster – Key Dates on the Six year corridor
Educational supports in place… Study Skills Week 24th to 28th of Sept Study Skills One day Seminar (External Company) Study and Organisational Tutorials starting this week with all poetry students
Study Skills Week When: September 24th to 28th How: The following workshops will be delivered over the week to students Body and brain fitness for studying – Nutritional advice – Importance of exercise – Importance of sleep for retention Motivation and Goal Setting – Understanding what motivates you – Using SMART Goal system for setting targets with tracking system – Clarify what you would like to do with results Study Skills Methods – Study System and the importance of class time Organisational Skills – Key Organisational Skills needed for 5th year – Timetabling to Notes Management Managing your time effectively and the benefits – How to manage your time during the year Exam Techniques – How to prepare for Exams effectively
Study & Organisational Tutorials Study Skills assessment reviewing everything from their place of study to: How they study Identifying key study techniques Study Timetables Managing your time Note Taking Exam preparation In addition to this each student will receive a free study journal and are advised how to set it up – please ask your son to show you this and encourage him to use it. It is a key organisational tool.