Cognitive Interview Obstacles Little or no training No understanding of cognitive methods No CAPI Multiple languages Multiple cultures Multiple levels of development
Requirements Structured interview guide Very simple instructions Few skip patterns Quantitative data and analysis
Cognitive Interview Protocol Designed to illustrate: Administration ease Interpretations Factors considered Degree of consistency with physical abilities
Cognitive Interview Protocol Demographic Section: Country, gender, age, SES Question Testing Sections Core Question Interviewer Coding Open-ended Follow-up Probe Cognitive Follow-up Probe Functioning Follow-up Probe Health Questions Subjective health Chronic condition list
Interviewer Code: Did the respondent… need you to repeat any part of the question? Yes/No have any difficulty using the response options? Yes/No ask for clarification or qualify their answer? Yes/No
Open-ended Follow-up Probe Why did you answer that way?
Cognitive Follow-up Probes: How often they had difficulty The amount of effort they needed to put into the activity How often they felt self-conscious about the difficulty The degree of concern or worry they had regarding the difficulty How often they wished they could do the do the activity better
Functioning Follow-up Probes Presence of a condition Use of an assistive device Degree of difficulty doing related activities
Health Status General health question Why did you answer that way? Health conditions
Interviewer Debriefing Details about the interview and interview setting Insight into the quality of the information
Analysis Plans Patterns in the response process Interpretation Judgment Patterns of response error Across countries and demographic variables